Example sentences of "[pron] was reported to [be] " in BNC.

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1 In 1651 Parliament appointed commissioners to sell Exmoor Forest , which was reported to be ‘ mountainous and cold ground , much beclouded with thick fogges and mists and … overgrown with heath and yielding but a poor kind of turf of little value there . ’
2 President Yeltsin was also facing trouble from Russia 's supreme legislature , which was reported to be tabling a motion that would strip him of his emergency powers .
3 She was reported to be deeply depressed and feeling dejected .
4 When topless photographs of her were published recently in a small-circulation New York magazine under the headline ‘ Backstage Peep Show ’ , she was reported to be claiming damages of $25m for ‘ irreparable damage to her reputation , career and personal image ’ .
5 She was reported to be ‘ not too chuffed ’ .
6 Among the guests the Mamounia while the Shah was settling in were Henry , Count of Paris , the pretender to the French crown , who was finishing his memoirs there ; the Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole , then a member of the coalition government of Rhodesia , but soon , like the Shah , to be swept away by revolution and Hassans friend , former King Simeon of Bulgaria , who was reported to be there on some business .
7 His successor was named as Kerim Aydin Erdem , who was reported to be sympathetic to the Islamic faction .
8 ( There were thought to be 2,600 West Africans , mostly Nigerians , in territory held by the NPFL ; attacks on Ghanaians and Nigerians were reported at the beginning of September , and Taylor , who was reported to be holding a large number of foreigners hostage , declared war on the ECOMOG force early in September . )
9 Moves to resolve differences on the CFE treaty were said also to have been encouraged by Soviet President Gorbachev who was reported to be keen to clear remaining obstacles in the way of a US-Soviet summit meeting [ see pp. 37945 ; 37979 ] .
10 José Cespedes Zarza was sworn in as Commander of the Air Force on Nov. 20 in succession to Gen. Dionisio Cabello , who was reported to be under arrest for refusing to hand over his post .
11 There was reported to be strong personal rivalry between Demirel and Özal , who had been Demirel 's economic adviser in 1979-80 before acting as an adviser to the military regime of 1980-82 and founding the ANAP in 1983 .
12 By the end of the month , it was reported to be ‘ selling well ’ ( Irish Times , 30 May 1985 ) .
13 Sensational media and police reports in 1989 seemed to suggest an increased use of ‘ crack ’ among young people in parts of south London , Liverpool , and Birmingham — with attendant fears that this particularly dangerous substance might become widespread , as it was reported to be in parts of the United States .
14 He was reported to be paid £2,000 per day for his efforts — as much as some objecting organizations were likely to spend in total .
15 He was reported to be still there .
16 Now he was reported to be at the Mamounia in order to work on a book entitled The Mighty and the Meek .
17 Early in 1568 he left Cambridge for London , where he was reported to be a preacher and schoolmaster , attending the Italian Protestant church , and married to Anne , with one son , Isaac , and two daughters ( one perhaps called Judith ) .
18 A second received burns over 60pc of his body and was taken by helicopter to hospital , where he was reported to be seriously ill .
19 He said that the £8 million he was reported to be investing in City was ‘ purely conjecture ’ .
20 In what was reported to be the first visit by an Irish Prime Minister to Northern Ireland for 25 years , Charles Haughey , the Taoiseach , visited Belfast on April 11 .
21 A close associate of hers was reported to be under investigation for espionage .
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