Example sentences of "[pron] was published in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A second example is the US Justice Department Merger Guidelines , the latest version of which was published in 1992 ( see White , in this issue , for a description ) .
2 Leonard was keen to assert his own lead in that movement , for it was during this time that he was compiling his second book ( five years after the first ) The Spice-Box Of Earth , which was published in 1961 to great critical acclaim .
3 Now , if with , with that in mind , you then turn and look at Totem and Taboo , which was published in nineteen thirteen , first as a series of essays , then as a single book .
4 In the end Shaw 's wishes were largely thwarted : a group of loyal disciples laboured on , but the phonetic version of Androcles and the Lion which was published in 1962 was a lonely salvo in a campaign that got nowhere .
5 F. R. Leavis gathered together his contributions to this discussion in Education and the university which was published in 1943 .
6 The importance of wider biblical study was accepted by James ( who became James I of England ) and he ordered the preparation of the Authorised Version of the Holy Bible , which was published in 1611 .
7 The most widely acclaimed of these has been John Rawls 's A Theory of Justice , which was published in 1971 and rapidly assumed the status of a contemporary classic .
8 There was um a survey in San Francisco by Russell which was published in 1983 .
9 After the death of his wife he continued to live at Ightham and finished his work on his Perambulation , which was published in 1576 .
10 The Programme was based on a research agenda proposed in the Final Report of the Inner Cities Working Party which was published in 1981 ( The Inner City in Context , ed Peter Hall ) .
11 This list , which was published in 1981 , is available in the six official languages of the European Community ( Danish , Dutch , English , French , German and Italian ) .
12 A working party under Professor Rochester produced a report which was published in 1974 on Resources for Research in Polytechnics and other Colleges .
13 Bayes 's fame rests on his posthumous paper , ‘ An Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances ’ , which was published in 1764 in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society for the year 1763 , having been ‘ found among [ his ] papers ’ by his friend the Revd Richard Price [ q.v. ] ,
14 She claimed to have been ‘ scarce fourteen years ’ when she wrote The Female Advocate , her most important work , which was published in 1686 .
15 Imperialism , which was published in 1902 , represented a fusion of his South African experience with his earlier ideas on under-consumptionist economics .
16 He wrote two plays , Beddau'r Proffwyddi ( 1913 ) and Dyrchafiad Arall i Gymro ( 1914 ) , and made Welsh translations for broadcasting of Antigone and King Lear , the first of which was published in 1950 .
17 The book , which was published in 1986 and became a best-seller , was written with Americans Ken Smith , Michael Wilkes and Doug Kirby after several years of research .
18 The Audit Commission review which was published in 1986 identified five main obstacles which they thought accounted for the slow and fragmented way that community care had developed in England and Wales .
19 Our view of the Bill has been expressed most clearly by the Government themselves in their White Paper , ’ The Prison Disciplinary System of England and Wales ’ , which was published in 1986 in response to the Prior committee report .
20 subject headings a third edition of which was published in 1989 and updated in 1990 .
21 This is where Bram Stoker reputedly completed his novel Dracula , which was published in 1897 .
22 He was largely responsible for compiling the catalogue of the King 's Library , which was published in five volumes between 1820 and 1829 as Bibliothecae Regiae Catalogus .
23 It is surprising , therefore , that greater use has not been made of the childhood supplement , which was published in 1988 .
24 For example there was a survey by West which was published in eighty five .
25 The report shows that the committee devoted some time to analysing a helpful report from the Health Education Authority , ’ Beating the Ban ’ , which was published in 1990 .
26 Wilson s claim in Sociobiology : the New Synthesis which was published in 1975 .
27 Griffith wrote a classic Royal Society paper about his experiments which was published in 1920 .
28 Jacob Abendana followed up this success with a Spanish translation of Judah HaLevi 's twelfth-century Kuzari , which was published in 1663 and dedicated to Sir William Davidson , the English resident in Holland .
29 The decision to produce a further supplement for continuing care units for the elderly with mental disability arose out of the recommendations of the Timbury Report which was published in 1978 and which recommended " the provision and management by the health service of continuing care unit accommodation for the elderly confused . "
30 The hon. Member for Birkenhead ( Mr. Field ) , in ’ The Minimum Wage — Its Potential and Dangers ’ , which was published in 1984 , said : ’ The employment consequences will be little short of disastrous . ’
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