Example sentences of "[pron] was also true that " in BNC.

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1 It was also true that the France of de Gaulle was trying to reverse her military defeat in 1940 by winning hegemony in post-war Western Europe by political means ; and her partners in the EEC lacked the unity needed to stand up to her .
2 It was true Dudley spent most of his time at court and it was also true that he was one of the Queen 's favourites , but surely such was the path to wealth and advancement .
3 It was also true that the reformers were more interested in what practical achievements could be made by a period of liberalisation .
4 But it was also true that Great Britain could only view events in Europe with detachment or indifference if the balance of power there remained undisturbed .
5 It was also true that the renewed Triple Alliance of the same year was soon buttressed so as to isolate France and Russia still more .
6 Kings wanted to build up reserves of bullion for the very practical reason that it would enable them to recruit armies , and it was also true that gold and silver had a great power to dazzle men 's minds .
7 It was also true that the Gang of Four would obviously lead a new party whereas their position within the Liberal organization would have been uneasy and uncertain .
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