Example sentences of "[pron] is likely that a " in BNC.

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1 It is likely that a good many protestant loyalists oscillate between the two and still have to come to their moment of decision , one that is likely to be forced on them by future events .
2 It is likely that a group of fewer than 100 boat people will be sent back just before the arrival in Hong Kong of the Foreign Secretary , Mr Douglas Hurd , planned for mid-January .
3 If one is sure that the remedy is correct ! and there is no improvement then it is likely that a maintaining cause in the patient 's way of life or environment is influencing his progress .
4 It is likely that a test case will be brought on this issue .
5 Notwithstanding this early generation of gas it is likely that a major redistribution ( migration or trap-breaching ) occurred in late Cretaceous-early Tertiary times associated with the major inversion phase of the basin .
6 With the proven success of the Open University methods of distance learning , it is likely that a combination of sophisticated distance learning packages , linked to short residential periods on university or polytechnic campus during the vacations , will provide an efficient and cost-effective method of study .
7 Even if it is likely that a Labour administration would have failed in the round to solve Britain 's fundamental problems , there is little doubt that at a minimum there would have been a substantial redistribution of income and some attempt to reform the City , regulate public utilities more strongly and determinedly tackle the homelessness problem .
8 It is likely that a good many valuable stones were destroyed in this way because Pliny was muddling up hardness and toughness .
9 It is likely that a turnover tax will be levied on the proceeds , but a tax on winnings , or split between the two is not ruled out .
10 He also had a role to play in public ceremonial and it is likely that a carefully constructed ceremonial relationship existed between king and temple to ensure mutual support in the eyes of the people .
11 Were it to be used on any other domain , it is likely that a negative ( and therefore potentially damaging ) effect would result .
12 So it is likely that a family in which a mother or father has to bring up children single-handed will think of itself and be treated by others , as a little cluster of deviants from the marital norm .
13 However , it is likely that a quantitative shift from elite to mass higher education , such as has happened in the USA and Japan , will bring with it a qualitative change in the undergraduate curriculum .
14 It is likely that a considerable number of Romano-British by-roads came into existence in the same way for limited purposes and yet remain to be discovered on the map or on the ground .
15 It is likely that a structure which was appropriate to an organisation at a particular stage in its development will become less so as it matures .
16 Currently , the ACSET sub-committee has established a Working Group which is considering the management training needs of further and adult education staff and it is likely that a new document to complement and extend Haycocks III will be forthcoming before very long .
17 Another but more legally complicated way of arriving at the same result under the subsection is to say that , when the police seek to intervene , it is likely that a belief is likely to arise in the mind of the first victims , that violence towards the police is a likely outcome of the defendant 's conduct .
18 Moreover , this possibility is strengthened by the neglect of surface repositories , because regardless of how the various volatiles were acquired it is likely that a smaller fraction of the inert gases are retained in such reservoirs than are carbon and nitrogen .
19 Council is ‘ currently appraising replies received and it is likely that a public inquiry will be held during late October 1992 ’ .
20 It is likely that a procedure in which search statements were split into portions which match subject heading subfields as well as into ( weak-stemmed ) words would be something of an improvement .
21 This shows the level of previous achievement without which it is likely that a candidate will have difficulty in successfully completing the module .
22 Because of the chronic nature of peptic ulcer diseases , it is likely that a person on medical treatment around 1979 and again around 1989 has used ulcer drugs for a large part of the intermediate period .
23 Reliability in supplies : It is likely that a firm has greater control over reliability of supplies if it makes a component rather than buying it in from another firm .
24 In the former case , it is likely that a Design Change will be raised to authorise work to be carried out to fix the reported problem .
25 In the former case , it is likely that a Design Change will be raised to authorise work to be carried out to fix the reported problem .
26 It is likely that a combination of these modalities with radiotherapy might also be complimentary .
27 Sometimes this ability can be judged without interview but it is likely that a number of applicants will need to be interviewed .
28 If an information retrieval program is being used , it is likely that a printer will be needed and some knowledge of what type and quality of printer to be used will be required .
29 It is likely that a large proportion of those undecided and non-declared votes in our survey will go the Tories particularly when some of the other aspects of our poll are considered .
30 It is likely that a total of around 30 job losses are being sought from a total of 150 employees , following the company 's recent extensive review of current operations and future opportunities .
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