Example sentences of "[pron] is not easy for " in BNC.

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1 When people from this background find themselves in the middle of an industrial set-up , it is not easy for them to adjust their values or frames of reference , just as people from an industrial society , used to individual wages and jobs , would feel confused if suddenly thrust into a peasant society .
2 It is not easy for any of us to stop and chat to people that we do not know , but in ti me confidence grows .
3 It is not easy for them to get a meal , but if they do it is likely to be a big one .
4 It is not easy for parents ( and indeed , other caregivers ) to know when , how , and how much to discipline .
5 It is not easy for young children to learn to ‘ wait patiently ’ , ‘ ask nicely ’ , and to be generous , considerate and self-sacrificing .
6 In animals physical and emotional , if not mental , changes do occur but these have to be elicited by careful observation of the animal , as it is not easy for it to indicate directly how it feels , or how its perceptions and emotions have changed .
7 It is not easy for me to talk of such things to you , ’ he murmured , a trifle hesitantly .
8 But when he was out injured during the early part of the season it was very difficult because it is not easy for me to start creating things .
9 It is not easy for a hyper-base to be used concurrently by a number of different readers or for multiple authorship .
10 Families in these situations need particular understanding and support , for it is not easy for wider family and friends to act as effective substitutes for the role of the missing parent .
11 You must remember that she was still hardly five years old and it is not easy for somebody as small as that to score points against an all-powerful grown-up .
12 It is not easy for a person with one sort of conceptual background to understand an account which presupposes a different conceptual background .
13 It is not easy for any outsider to gain a sufficient insight into the lives of these people .
14 It is not easy for users to ‘ step outside ’ and take an objective look at their predicament .
15 It is not easy for teachers significantly to change their style , so such demands should be severely limited and when they are made , a lot of help given .
16 As competent users of English , it is not easy for us , when looking at a piece of discourse which we understand , to imagine how it appears to the language learner .
17 It is not easy for an observer to notice everything that is going on .
18 For one thing , it is not easy for The South , with its rich and ancient cultural histories to conceded that the light is in The North .
19 It is not easy for people to leave their own country , possibly never to return .
20 It is not easy for twentieth-century children to see any profound link between the real world and the mantra described as " magic syllables " and the action of the priest in " bringing the goddess to life " .
21 ‘ This is so — how do you say ? — it is not easy for me to say , signorina . ’
22 I think that at the moment it is not easy for ordinary people to learn to compute on most of the existing computing systems .
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