Example sentences of "[pron] it is possible [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 From which it is possible to draw one of three conclusions .
2 The term is problematic , and to date very little work has been done to determine the means by which it is possible to reach qualitative judgements about dramatic characters .
3 But there is only a tiny window through which it is possible to slide into waves of this size .
4 Part of the management job is to create an atmosphere in which it is possible to talk about problems .
5 A decision might have to be made about the number of elderly people for which it is possible to take responsibility in any one family .
6 Artificial languages have been constructed for which it is possible to ascribe unique , non-zero probabilities to generalizations , but the languages are so restricted that they contain no universal generalizations .
7 And finally , it is the ability to open the arms of memory to welcome them back as a valued part of the whole life experience , with which it is possible to live at peace , without pain , and with a sense of completeness at last ; and when this has been accomplished the bereaved are ready to embrace life again .
8 There are a number of such intensive educational approaches , for example work in southern Italy in stimulating rural production cooperatives , from which it is possible to derive a number of conclusions .
9 Now , for the first time in the history of medical science , a substance has been isolated about which it is possible to say : ‘ If you base your slimming diet on this food you should shed weight more quickly and easily than on a diet based on the same quantity of any other foods . ’
10 The goal is a straightforward and modest one : to build a structure within which it is possible to appreciate differences between places which is not empiricist ( as the CURS initiative largely is ) but is set within an appreciation of the nature of capitalist society .
11 Again , the contingency reserve and the block method of funding of grants provide means by which it is possible to accommodate limited extra calls , as in the case of the Falklands war .
12 He speaks of a kind of intellectual pessimism , a ‘ despair of knowing anything ’ , into which it is possible to fall after repeated failures in the search for knowledge .
13 There are solutions of Einstein 's general theory of relativity in which it is possible to fall into a black hole and come out of a white hole .
14 Hundreds of such inspections are made every year from which it is possible to compile an overview of trends in the marketplace .
15 " The very definition of the real has become : " that of which it is possible to give an equivalent reproduction " " he wrote in SIMULATIONS ( 1983 ) .
16 I should like to suggest a way in which it is possible to give something for nothing .
17 Government can do much to set the boundaries in which it is possible to create wealth .
18 The epidemics which have been chosen ( 1630-33 in Italy and 1665 in England ) are well known from the descriptions of contemporary writers , and there are excellent official records , generated at both government and parish level , from which it is possible to assess the status of the victims .
19 The NEA is now the arena in which it is possible to view in microcosm the unglueing of American social life .
20 Biotechnology , in the form of plant and animal breeding , also has a long history , beginning with the first agriculturalists c. 10 kyr BP , but developments in genetic engineering in the 1970s and 1980s are opening up possibilities that have no historical parallels and thus there are no base-line data against which it is possible to predict future environmental changes that genetically engineered organisms may promote .
21 This study concerns a method named impedance planimetry by which it is possible to obtain segmental information on biomechanical properties at one specific circumference of the rectal wall .
22 Yet how can we get a picture of the way in which it is possible to accept both that a task is done by rules ( for it is certainly not done randomly ) and yet the performer has no access whatever to the rules ?
23 Issues inevitably arise too over the representativeness of the relatively small samples which it is possible to involve in such studies .
24 Floodwater leaves sand on the planks and this sweeps up into the banks with cornices through which it is possible to step inadvertently .
25 Of course it has not ; for example , with regard to moral issues , the typically relativist view that there are no absolutes is itself a stance based on assumptions which it is possible to challenge .
26 I have already mentioned two ways by which it is possible to travel eastwards out of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port and into the Mauléon valley , both of them remote and somewhat tortuous : the mountain roads through Ahusquy or over the Col Bagargui a little further south .
27 But there are strands which it is possible to follow .
28 The current project is concerned to examine this far-from-easy task of assigning internal structure to words and , in particular , to investigate the extent to which it is possible to build a computer system which will model the procedures which the linguist follows in arriving at a description of the word structure of a language .
29 As such , it represents a case study — illustrating the interdependence of various techniques , and the extent to which it is possible to make progress in quantifying the effects of policies and of policy changes .
30 Only six solo roles call for a male soprano , on the basis of which it is possible to make a few observations .
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