Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [adv] imagine the " in BNC.

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1 In March , I had a week of sustained psychological warfare with a heron : it would hunch on the garage roof as I left for work , and I could well imagine the thoughts of piscicide running through its reptilian brain .
2 However , as I steered our motor dory into the tricky south landing with the tide pouring through jagged rocks , intermittently obscured by swell and sea tangle , I could well imagine the island 's isolation in winter and bad weather .
3 I could just imagine the conversation at the other end .
4 He lifted the rug easily , and I could just imagine the muscles rippling under his shirt .
5 I could hardly imagine the relics rotting away to nothing … all in the course of a single night .
6 It 's bad enough trying to persuade 168-pin chip to part company with its socket — I ca n't imagine the grey hairs that 'll result from trying to insert an expensive 238-pin one in its place !
7 I ca n't imagine the other one . ’
8 What I 'm doing is getting stuck into erotic literature and pornography : the club has a fascinating , not to say incredible , collection , and I ca n't imagine the opportunity is likely to arise again .
9 I wonder how important it is for those players because the the competition over here has its detractors , what about over there , I ca n't imagine the Italians being that bothered about doing well in this competition , certainly the gates over there do n't suggest that it 's that important ?
10 I can actually imagine the feeling of going to a cot and then finding no no the child was dead , that 's awful .
11 You may readily imagine the extreme gratification I feel in visiting this fine country , teeming as it does with so many interesting and beautiful productions .
12 She could just imagine the scathing looks with which Mrs Josephine MacDonald , the president of the Noble Order of Lady Queen Bees , would have regarded it .
13 She could just imagine the welcome she was about to get from her workmates !
14 But then the screen went dead : she could n't imagine the end to that scene .
15 She 'd wondered who 'd handle that side of it somehow she could n't imagine the night manager himself with a housekeeping trolley piled high with sheets and towels .
16 She could n't imagine the trip would still take place .
17 She could n't imagine the company without Karl .
18 She could almost imagine the door opening and Isabelle coming in to sit down at the dressing-table with its pretty antique tortoiseshell and silver toilet set , humming softly as she loved to do .
19 So empty and undisturbed you could n't imagine the bustle of the lunch party only an hour before .
20 You ca n't imagine the relief !
21 ‘ Father Poole , you ca n't imagine the hell I 've been through these past few weeks . ’
22 You ca n't imagine the Japanese inviting him over , ’ said one insider .
23 You can not imagine the glorious effect of a symphony with flutes , oboes and clarinets .
24 She grabbed her mug of tea , gripping it in both hands and staring down into it with an expression of such misery that one could almost imagine the dead girl 's face reflected in the surface of the liquid .
25 We can easily imagine the effects of hacking on family life .
26 Many , if not most , of the distinctive phenomena that constitute ‘ the nineteenth century ’ are directly due to railway speed ; that is , we can scarcely imagine the possibility of their development in the absence of railways .
27 Hitcham , furthermore , which contained only seven taxpayers , was so insignificant a place it was surveyed jointly with Dorney , and we can readily imagine the constable becoming confused and forgetting to insert the name of the juvenile lord of the smaller township ; anyone subsequently checking the certificate could be forgiven for failing to realise that the first line referred to the lord of Dorney only .
28 All Leopold 's correspondence with his son during his engagement was later destroyed by Constanze , so we can only imagine the bitter accusations which must have passed back and forth between Salzburg and Vienna .
29 One can only imagine the time , the patience , the dedication , the sheer labour .
30 One can only imagine the ways in which prime ministers break the bad news to Cabinet members they are dismissing .
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