Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [verb] a further " in BNC.

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1 For the sake of completeness I should mention a further argument which was advanced by Mr. Beloff as to why the rules of natural justice should not apply .
2 I 'll make a further prediction that if ‘ Eric the Enigma ’ is substitute , Ferguson will pray for the chance to bring him on and bask in the reception for a stylist after Old Trafford 's heart .
3 Evidence is being gathered which could mean a further 169 prosecutions , involving all 10 companies in England and Wales .
4 Langbaurgh Council is on the brink of being charge-capping , which could mean a further £3m reduction in last year 's standstill £15.6m budget .
5 The van Gogh and Walter-Guillaume suits , started last September and December respectively , could take three to four years and the Walters ' lawyers fear French authorities could divert the former case to an administrative Tribunal which could take a further three to four years to judge it .
6 We are certainly not considering that option , which would produce a further layer of government , another regiment of politicians , another army of civil servants and even higher taxes from a Labour Government ; fortunately , however , there will not be a Labour Government .
7 He says I 'm very concerned for local people who will have a further period of uncertainty .
8 You can arrange a further intermediate Flat Buyers or Home Buyers Report , costing around £200 , or a Full Structural Survey , at £300 which buys peace of mind .
9 To complete an alternating BFS , we must find a further basic variable ( with value 0 ) for each row .
10 One might add a further definition of ‘ triple jeopardy ’ — they are old , mostly women and black , or in some way culturally distinct .
11 Indeed , one could hazard a further , and more general , observation that the possibility of social research itself is an indicator of the character of society ; to paraphrase Lieberson , social conditions not only determine the data of interest but also shape the availability of those data .
12 Shortly , we shall launch a further information campaign because , to achieve the changes in junior doctors ' hours , it is important that the NHS task forces in each region can work with the juniors , managers and consultants to find practical solutions at their particular places of work .
13 It is possible that we will see a further slowing of the ageing process as time goes on so that in the next century the experience of being in one 's eighties is more like the experience of being in one 's seventies at the moment .
14 Er , Chairman erm , I do believe that this has always been an issue erm of vested interests and bureaucracy administration but all I want to say to members of the council today as a member of the youth and community advisory committee is that extremely serious er far reaching decisions are gon na have to be taken because we were told at the last meeting of that sub committee that just to stand still because of the changes in legislation regarding transfer of funds to the er F E funding council , we will lose a further two million pounds next year so even if we er do not have to find any cuts within our own budget that money is going out of this authority 's budget it may come back in in commissioning agreements but because of the different timescale that the funding council works on we probably wo n't know that when we come to set our budget and really the issue for the Labour group I think in particular as councillor has said , is the question of budgetary control .
15 The strong wind stance described earlier is the basis of the funboard stance , but to it we can add a further ingredient — the hips and bottom .
16 We can gain a further understanding of how the size of the polymer chain affects the magnitude of ΔS M and why it differs from ( equation 8.7 ) , by recasting equation ( 8.22 ) in the following way .
17 One can get a further perspective on the development of the class/politics relationship in the period of the Wilson government by asking the question of whether matters could have turned out very differently , and in particular whether a ‘ socialist alternative ’ was there for the taking .
18 They could buy a further 41,000 tonnes .
19 There are fears they could fall a further four per cent .
20 Then , having served their demand long after the works were complete , they would have a further six years in which to take proceedings in the High Court or the county court .
21 If Scotland are successful , they will get about £100,000 from the International Cricket Council for participating and if they reach the World Cup finals , they will receive a further £25,000 .
22 On a dividend of £80 ( plus a tax credit of £20 ) they will have a further £15 to pay .
23 As yet there is little agreement on haemostatic and platelet factors in such patients but it may offer a further method of risk stratification in the future .
24 It may necessitate a further special condition on the back of the contract .
25 By late March only seven of a reported 571 oil well fires had been capped and it was estimated that it might take a further three years to extinguish all the fires .
26 But if the patient could be restored to a state whereby he could enjoy a further period of life at the level of comfort he previously had , then it should be treated .
27 If he decided to accede to the request — and precedent suggested that it would be very difficult for him to refuse it — then he would have a further 60 days to appoint a panel to decide upon a prosecutor .
28 He would have a further communication for her then .
29 Vaclav Havel , Czechoslovak President since December 1989 , announced on April 14 that he would seek a further term as President " not because I want to be President at any cost … but because I want to contribute towards pushing through certain values " .
30 On Jan. 24 Japan announced that it would contribute a further $9,000 million to US-led forces in the Gulf , raising Japan 's total commitments since August 1990 to $13,000 million , including $2,000 million as aid to countries suffering from the economic blockade , notably Jordan , Egypt and Turkey [ see p. 37697 ] .
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