Example sentences of "[pron] [be] subject to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In Darlington applications have been sent to scores of businesses which are subject to regular environmental health checks .
2 Letters have been sent to scores of businesses which are subject to regular environmental health checks .
3 Of these identifications of a new underclass as the victim of affluence in the two-thirds ( affluent and Tory ) versus one-third ( not ) society , Bauman 's formulation is to be preferred to Saunder 's because it sets up issues which are subject to empirical review and it continues to use a conception of reproduction :
4 In addition , it highlights those assets which are subject to central bank control thus enabling the latter to regulate the money supply in the economy .
5 The exceptions are airlines or carriers by sea , which are subject to international conventions which limit liability .
6 The first is that the market is unregulated , so that banks which are subject to reserve requirements or interest rate restrictions in the home country , for instance , can do business more freely abroad .
7 There are other varieties of deposit , which are made for special purposes , e.g. for housing , and which are subject to special conditions .
8 They are , temporarily and on a smaller scale , in the same position as banks or building societies or insurance companies , all of which are subject to special regulatory regimes to ensure that depositors and policyholders are adequately protected .
9 The measures , which were subject to congressional approval within 30 days , included : ( i ) a 30-day price freeze to be followed by staged increases in wages and prices ; ( ii ) high taxes on wealth , share and gold dealings , capital gains and farm incomes ; ( iii ) the abolition of the cruzado and its replacement by a free floating cruzeiro currency ; ( iv ) an 18-month " liquidity squeeze " freezing an estimated $115,000 million in personal savings and corporate assets ; ( v ) dismantling of import barriers and suspension of export subsidies and the relaxation of foreign currency controls ; ( vi ) sharply increased utility rates ; ( vii ) an estimated $2,200 million cut in state subsidies to private business ; ( viii ) the closure of 24 state agencies ( expected to entail the dismissal of 81,000 employees ) including the Institute of Sugar and Alcohol ( IAA ) , the Brazilian Coffee Institute ( IBC ) , the steel holding company SIDERBRAS , the port authority PORTOBRAS , and INTERBRAS , a foreign oil trading subsidiary of the state oil monopoly PETROBRAS ; and ( ix ) the initiation of a programme to privatize state companies .
10 Unfortunately , one of these resources is the very countryside itself , which is subject to increasing pressure from the competing demands of the rural population .
11 The directives are proposed under article 118A , which is subject to qualified majority voting .
12 The Catalans like to see their red and yellow stripes , the Bretons their ermine , and there are similar tendencies in Yugoslavia , which is subject to imminent fragmentation .
13 In Green and Porter 's model it is assumed that a firm 's choice of output can not be observed by another firm , and the sum of all outputs determines market price according to a demand function which is subject to unobservable random shocks .
14 By means of an unprecedented policy of increasing its manufacturing efficiency through technology , and putting pressure on South Asia to export raw cotton , a trade which it had never previously engaged in , at the expense of calico , which was subject to high import duties , Britain was able to turn the tide against India , and later to flood that area with cheap cotton goods .
15 The Low Country , which contained about half of Sinhala Sri Lanka 's population , corresponded roughly to the area which was subject to direct Dutch and Portuguese political influence .
16 The penal system needs to legitimate itself with three groups of people : with the public ( including politicians , commentators etc. ) , with penal staff ( including prison staff and probation officers ) and with the penal subjects ( prisoners , probationers and others who are subject to penal treatment ) .
17 It comes with prostration , after several days and is most often found in patients of poor vitality , rather broken down weak constitutions who are subject to catarrhal illnesses ; most often needed in the elderly and in young infants .
18 Those workers who are subject to domestic outwork , seasonal working or extended subcontracting will secure none of the benefits of the much vaunted core workers ( Dore , 1973 ; McMillan , 1984 ) , yet it is upon their ‘ flexibility ’ that the system rests .
19 Though he was , by all accounts , enthusiastic about Decca 's idea for the party-turns in their famous 1960 recording of Die Fledermaus , there was never any question of the operetta itself being subject to vulgar comic hype .
20 I think for the male student who is subject to sexual harassment , or who gets the sort of inappropriate approaches that Marianne is talking about , that is unusual , it 's out of step with the way in which he perceives himself , and his sense of what he is and who he is in the world .
21 This was to get across the important difference between a living enemy , which itself is subject to evolutionary change , and an inanimate non-malevolent condition such as the weather , which is subject to change , but not systematic , evolutionary change .
22 This has as its main thrust the idea that regulation itself is subject to economic laws .
23 The relationship between qualifications and jobs is attenuated by the complexities of labour market segmentation and this itself is subject to local diversification .
24 In this regard , the fieldworker 's experiences with the RUC are similar to those of other young female researchers , in that she was subject to sexual hustling , fraternizing , and paternalistic attitudes from male respondents ( see Easterday et al .
25 The military itself was subject to serious unrest in January 1991 following new appointments by Gen. Luis Alonso Discua , the new C.-in-C. of the armed forces , who was known to be more moderate than his predecessor Gen. Arnulfo Cantarero López , who resigned in December 1990 .
26 Increasingly we are subject to medical audit .
27 In practice , during our waking hours we are subject to social conventions and personal routines which jointly determine when we eat , relax , work , have parties , etc .
28 It is interesting to make the obvious observation that , while the first and last named are fanatical behaviourists , believing that everything is subject to unlimited moulding and rearrangement through a process of reward and punishment , the three in the middle are fanatical instinctivists , insisting that virtually everything and anything is inherited , a gift ( or a grief ) of the genes and not subject to the environment .
29 Public enterprises , because they are subject to political control , are at most only partially affected by the discipline of the market ; as manifested , for example , in the often quoted platitude that public enterprises do not go bankrupt ( e.g. NEDO 1976 : 42 ) .
30 Once defined as unrespectable or dangerous , they are subject to legal prosecution , often by semi-legal and dubious methods .
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