Example sentences of "[pron] [be] at the very " in BNC.

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1 This pleasure would appear to have been remote from the adult satisfactions mentioned in the previous paragraph and is a manifestation of the ‘ joie de vivre ’ which is at the very heart of the urge for life , which is itself the product of ‘ desire ’ as introduced and discussed in the Second Period .
2 It is certainly true that they enact an awareness of the efficacy of penance which is at the very foundation of Christian spirituality ; but it also true that part of their potency depends on an understanding of the joy of " brennyng in loue ouur al thynge " when : The meditation on the Passion in Ego Dormio , on the other hand , engages directly with the experience of receiving such a gift .
3 Here , you are at the very heart of this beautiful city , staying in not so much a conventional hotel , as a comfortable home from home where your welcoming hosts are Signor and Signora Farnetani .
4 You are at the very centre of operations , Mr Woodbrain . ’
5 When she 'd been doing her research for this article she 'd talked to various other people in the City regarding Laura Wyndham 's expertise in her job , and they had all agreed on one thing — she was at the very top of her profession .
6 Almost a month went by before she allowed herself an evening to realise that there was at the very least and latest , an unfinished conversation between them .
7 In ritual status they were at the very top of the system and ranked higher even than the kings .
8 If you want to It 's at the very back , I can see it .
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