Example sentences of "[pron] [be] responsible for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As Pilate stands watching , watching Jesus being humiliated , watching him being tormented that thought going through the mind , I am responsible for this , I am guilty of it , I have done it !
2 But I feel I 'm responsible for these boys now , and I feel I 've failed them .
3 ‘ Look , I 'm responsible for those rumors that have been circulating about you and damaging your reputation .
4 * The London Dumping Convention has made moves to establish a global control mechanism over land-based emissions which are responsible for 80 percent of marine waste .
5 He says that the problem was caused not by blockages — which are responsible for most smells on ferries , but by a vaccuum — a one off fluke .
6 Although such improvement has been vigorously promoted by the North of Scotland College of Agriculture ( which is responsible for agricultural extension and training in the area ) , the response has , after some initial enthusiasm , been extremely disappointing .
7 Although Denmark retains responsibility for foreign affairs , the judiciary and the monetary system of the Faroe Islands , the islands have their own government ( Landsstyret or Landsstyrid ) which is responsible for internal affairs , including fisheries .
8 Although Denmark retains responsibility for the Faroe Islands in respect of foreign affairs , defence , the judiciary and the monetary system , the islands have their own government ( Landsstyret or Landsstryrid ) which is responsible for internal affairs , including fisheries .
9 There is a National Council of Ministers appointed by the AFRC , which is responsible for federal administration .
10 There is a National Council of Ministers , appointed by the AFRC , which is responsible for federal administration .
11 Sufferers who can not register with a local dentist will be referred to the Family Health Services Authority — which is responsible for dental treatment .
12 The ‘ bibliographical division ’ is divided into subject groups , each of which is responsible for professional duties in one service point of the authority , and also for all the bibliographical responsibilities in the subject field allocated to it .
13 This observation from the American Status of Women in Sociology report draws attention to the underlying ideology of gender roles which is responsible for all the various manifestations of sexism .
14 Various attempts have been made to regard Broca 's aphasia as a syndrome in the first of these senses — that is , to argue that there is a single underlying deficit in the language processing system which is responsible for all the symptoms of Broca 's aphasia .
15 The only red grape grown is Pinot Noir , which is responsible for all reds and rosés .
16 It does not include a ruling on methyl chloroform which accounts for five per cent of depletion and carbon tetrachloride which is responsible for eight per cent .
17 A spokesman for Essex County Council , which is responsible for social services supporting the elderly , handicapped and those on low incomes , said it was impossible for the county council to comment on something political .
18 While for education there is a major department of state , the Department of Education and Sciences which is responsible for national policy and the relationship between the centre and the local authorities , the personal social services is only the smallest of the three policy concerns of the Department of Health and Social Security .
19 As I have said , the abolition of the poll tax is to be welcomed , but even more welcome would be the abolition of the system of grants — the standard spending assessment which is responsible for most of the problems relating to capping and high poll tax bills .
20 The US , which is responsible for 23 per cent of world CO 2 , against 13 per cent from the EC , has already refused to make a similar policy commitment .
21 Vasectomy has no effect on the male sex organs — testes prostate gland , penis , nor on the secretion of the male sex hormone which is responsible for masculine qualities .
22 The two-year moratorium is not binding , and Britain , which is responsible for 90 per cent of all radioactive waste dumped at sea , has already said that it will not comply with the ban .
23 The plans , adopted by NatWest , and which will go on show to the public after Easter , have been designed by the Fitzroy Robinson Partnership , a firm of architects which was responsible for many of the high-quality buildings in the City .
24 W we still seem to debate certain things three , four and five times they creep their way through to the main committee and full council and I have to say that the point in para B about the report we 've been sent not recognising the reduction in local er government responsibilities it it is it 's a bit rich , because our response to that report does n't recognise that when I first arrived here Chairman we had the education department which was responsible for all the schools , six colleges of further education , college of art , college of agriculture , the teacher training college at and a major polytechnic .
25 Nor did the kingship make for singleminded action on the battlefield : Sparta found ways of getting round the more obvious difficulties of dual command , but a king could always be brought to book by the oligarchic element ( the gerousia or council of elders , which was responsible for political trials ) or by the democratic — the Assembly , which could fine a king and limit his powers ( cp. p. 161 for Agis in 418 ) .
26 The State Security Committee ( KGB ) , which was responsible for Soviet border defences , rushed border guard reinforcements to the Azerbaijan-Iran border on Jan. 3 amid reports that attacks on border installations had spread and now threatened the entire 800 km frontier .
27 It was also the meeting place of the Board of Guardians , whose duty it was to look after the poor , and the Patrington Union which was responsible for 27 parishes .
28 Younger figures , perhaps above all the exciting young Jewish expressionist poet , Jakob von Hoddis , dominated the organization , the ‘ Neuen Club ’ , which was responsible for these events .
29 It appeared that within the organization was a secret group which was responsible for extra-legal anti-semitic ‘ excitement ’ .
30 Cos nobody was responsible for that really . .
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