Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adv] dealt with " in BNC.

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1 Areas of political life which are best dealt with multi-nationally must obviously be dealt with at the appropriate decision-making level .
2 In order to minimise doubts as to its scope , Article 1(3) makes it clear that certain matters which are either dealt with in other Conventions , or which might involve the exercise of the Court 's discretion , such as the service of process , the enforcement of judgments and orders , and orders for provisional or protective measures , are excluded .
3 In any event , it would be pointless to define as legal problems only those which are actually dealt with by lawyers for that would exclude all those problems which never reach them , but perhaps should .
4 It is a guide for practitioners and does not attempt to expound academic points which are better dealt with by numerous text books .
5 A monitor detected some low level skin contamination and also some contamination on the person 's personal clothing , which were effectively dealt with .
6 The number of Council Tax administrative staff below Senior Assistant level have been arrived at in total by examining the Community Charge case load per member of staff , projecting this on the basis of estimated case load for Council Tax and increasing this by 20% in order to deal with the personal elements of Council Tax , which were previously dealt with by the Community Charge Registration Officer .
7 The registers of Haymo de Hythe , record many items among them that of adultery which was severely dealt with and we find four couples named here in 1347 .
8 Ernest Long summarised the change snappily in his note to the Authority 's accountant when they were working out the implications in 1954 : ‘ instead of being messed about by the long-haired boys at the Treasury we are now dealt with by the Finance boys — and we much prefer it that way ’ .
9 IN THE light of the home secretary 's decision to introduce new secure training centres for young offenders EMMA HELLYER looks at how they are currently dealt with .
10 These factors are worthy of emphasis because in practice they are still dealt with very badly in many organisations and yet it takes little trouble or expertise to make an enormous difference .
11 They are often dealt with by a system which attempts to get them off benefit , rather than prosecute .
12 Incidents like this happen almost every day , usually — — raised by Tory hon. Members , and they are usually dealt with through the usual channels , the Government deputy Chief Whip , myself and the Serjeant at Arms .
13 Of these , asthma , eczema and rhinitis ( runny or congested nose ) are all examples of ‘ classical allergies ’ and they are therefore dealt with in Chapter Three .
14 Lacking any organization and completely out of touch with the peasant masses in whose interests they sought to speak , they were easily dealt with .
15 The same year ( 1017 ) he married Emma , herself a generous giver to churches , whose previous experience as Æthelred 's wife ought to have made her a fount of good advice on English churches and churchmen and how they were best dealt with .
16 They were variously dealt with .
17 But there will be no increase for spirits , a move welcomed by the Scottish whisky industry which has always argued that it is unfairly dealt with .
18 It may be argued that because the affective domain deals with qualitative differences it can not be planned for in the same systematic way that is applied to knowledge , and that it is best dealt with by providing suitable models , and by discussion when problems and student needs arise .
19 I think it is adequately dealt with as problem because of the really the length and the depth of my involvement with the school .
20 I think it is adequately dealt with as a problem because of the erm really the length and the depth of my involvement with the school .
21 He 's already dealt with the company so
22 After the break Smith proved the menacing player for Stockton but he was well dealt with by a hard working Stockton defence .
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