Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] just take a " in BNC.

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1 Once when I was young , innocent and unaware of eating amnesia , ‘ weighers-wilt ’ ( ‘ I 'll just take a guess at this — looks like two ounces … ! ’ ) and other related disorders , I became so alarmed about all the people who could n't seem to shed weight on 1,000 calories a day that I interviewed many of them , carefully selected a group of twenty of the most baffling and genuine cases , and incarcerated them in a health farm for a week .
2 One evening , as they worked happily together , feeding and attending to the livestock , George said , ‘ I 'll just take a walk along the beck before we settle down , and check those sheep I 've brought down for lambing . ’
3 I think if you 'll excuse me I 'll just take a little nap .
4 I 'll just take a drink , then I 'll be off . "
5 I 'll just take a peep . ’
6 Why do n't you hop up on to the examination couch and I 'll just take a quick listen to baby 's heart and take your blood pressure , then afterwards I 'm sure Sister will be only too happy to show you around our labour ward and let you take a look at the facilities we have available .
7 Fine I 'll just take a note of that , thank you .
8 It 's OK , doc , I 'll just take an aspirin , ’ said another .
9 And I 'll just take an F grade or whatever .
10 Now , sir , I 'll just take an impression of your penis here There was some more budget-balancing over the question of She-She 's underwear .
11 I wonder if I could just take a step back in conclusion and ask you a couple of rather broader questions , more general questions .
12 I would just take a It seems to me that quite clearly that a new settlement in the A sixty four corridor south , would stimulate migration at levels which would not otherwise have taken place and that is the key objection to it .
13 And when Mrs Amabel Dallam remembered to pay her for all those wedding chemises she might just take a few shillings to a certain bazaar in Leeds where she 'd heard good dress-lengths were to be had at bargain prices and make herself a new dress for Christmas .
14 ‘ Well , it is n't the sort of place you can just take a look at . ’
15 We 'll just take a short cut .
16 Eventually , when it comes back to the switchboard , they will know that you 've not answered , and they can say ‘ I 'm sorry , there 's nobody there , would you like to leave a message ’ , in which case , that call will then be diverted to a particular message desk , where they will just take a very brief message which will be passed onto you .
17 Well it might just take a couple of hours to print out a complete set of statements for two hundred customers .
18 Chris Patten is among the sceptics : ‘ Even if it ( investment ) were to be successful and encourage a 40 or 50 per cent increase in the use of rail , it would make damn-all difference to the growth in road traffic — it would just take a few percentage points off the top . ’
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