Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] difficult [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Tories ' new charges for eye and dental checks have led to a 30pc drop in tests performed , this has resulted in eye and dental diseases being detected later if at all , making them more difficult and expensive to treat .
2 3 Change these measurements into the units shown : unc One of the important advantages of the metric system is that measurement of length , weight , and volume , all depend upon the same principle , Once you have seen that the system is all based on tens and tenths , you should find it less difficult than other weights and measures .
3 CGI , which has 13.3% of Computer Horizons , and is regarded by the board as a hostile shareholder , argues that the company 's plans make it extremely difficult and expensive for another company to acquire Computer Horizons , and must be eliminated to make management accountable and maximise shareholder value .
4 He expected to be patronized by Lady Grubb because he came from a lower class , about which he did n't generally care tuppence , but when he saw her effect on Algy he found it more difficult than usual to be ribald about it .
5 Move up and left , then continue more or less directly ( making it as difficult as possible ) to reach the large halfway ledge and the start of the real meat .
6 Cries could be heard from the stairs as the policemen tried to make their way up to the landing , the remaining boys making it as difficult as possible for them in the hope that their brother would get away .
7 Creggan followed suit and made it as difficult as possible for the Men to handle him .
8 It flies in wild loops and spirals , and dives to the ground , a course of flight designed to make it as difficult as possible for the bat to catch it .
9 This organisation happily ploughs a furrow totally at odds with the notion of free trade , by making it as difficult as Possible for non-German companies to sell their wares in Germany without DIN approval — even where EEC law says that the only approval necessary is from the country of origin .
10 ’ We do n't use tags , but we try to make it as difficult as possible for people to steal by keeping a close eye on them .
11 Because I am expecting there to be a conspiracy of silence on this matter and I intend to make it as difficult as possible for the Milettis and their friends .
12 Making it as difficult as possible for them to come in by setting up barriers doing things , perhaps a at night , putting like some timer switches in the rooms that you 're likely to be sitting in .
13 Most modern machines have maximum launching speeds of 70 knots or so , making it relatively difficult and unusual for the launch to overspeed .
14 Thereafter , you may find it very difficult or impossible to change — because you will by then have missed so much of the introductory lectures and classes .
15 The pressures to be either Black or lesbian make it very difficult and confusing to develop being Black and lesbian .
16 And there could scarcely be anything more difficult and fine-textured than the affair he is having with a woman called Rose .
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