Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] a question " in BNC.

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1 One day , as she was scolding me , I suddenly threw a question at her .
2 I just asked a question .
3 I just asked a question .
4 I just asked a question .
5 ‘ On the sleeve of the first record it was meant to say just Therapy , but I started the logo too far over to the left — and we only had enough money for one sheet of Letraset — I could n't start again , so I just added a question mark to make it fit .
6 Can I can I just raise a question er to r to clarify the point before I answer your question that I are am I are we to assume that in response to Mr , erm it 's on the record that there 's a er a request to add , clear expression of local preference I by local planning authorities ?
7 Erm chairman could I just ask a question in relation to that ?
8 Could I just ask a question ?
9 Could I just ask a question about that ?
10 Can I just ask a question here ?
11 Can I just ask a question ?
12 Can I just ask a question ?
13 Sorry , can I just ask a question there ?
14 Can I just ask a question .
15 Can I just ask a question to start with because I was messing around with the camera and was it that he ha that he had no private pension policies at all ?
16 Could I also ask a question which you might be completely clear on , but I 'm not , when we do back checks on files and make sure they are all up to date and so on , we come across maybe a research approval which has n't been signed off in the right places , how far back in time do we need to get that signed off .
17 The Minister is aware that when I received that letter I immediately tabled a question on the matter , and had subsequent correspondence with her fellow Under-Secretary of State , who has been most helpful and concerned .
18 I specifically asked a question about gates some months ago and was assured there were no such plans .
19 ‘ Could Ah possibly answer a question or
20 The Penrith trainer , who always answers a question by asking another question told me ‘ Has he not got the class to win it ?
21 So , shall we just put a question mark ?
22 They merely asked a question and received an answer .
23 They also posed a question in my mind about what had been done in the interim .
24 They never asked a question about the justice of Roman rule nor about the real sources of her power .
25 It still remains a question whether it all works physically .
26 So would anyone like to ask a question of Chris ?
27 It also begs a question about whether the government is changing its tune ?
28 For record companies , it now became a question of who could pay the most money to secure the most in-demand acts .
29 Anyone else got a question ? ’
30 Anyone else got a question ?
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