Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [pers pn] shall be " in BNC.

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1 Now you will amuse me and I shall be well at once .
2 In all through my prayer and in God house I pray he guides me in my and carries me and you shall be my hero and guide us in our life .
3 ‘ It 's only fair to tell you that we shall be asking everyone here a few questions about what they were doing yesterday afternoon . ’
4 I do n't trust you and I shall be breathing down your neck next time you pick up a phone . ’
5 Jesus said just before he was living his disciples , his followers , you and me , he said you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me yes we witness by our life but there 's a danger in making that a cop out , because one other requirement of a witness is that they talk , they 've got ta say what they know , these four men were good witnesses , they went back and they told the city what they had found , and there 's placed upon you and me that responsibility to go back and to tell what we 've found , this is a day of good tidings , we do wrong to keep silent .
6 Do n't know about you but I shall be glad to get away from my lot .
7 ‘ Having said that , though , I am sure I 've got the ability to do something and I shall be aiming for a points finish at least . ’
8 We and you shall be my hero and guide us in our life .
9 If so , we should first remind him that we shall be interested here in functions other than those between two sets of numbers .
10 My mother was fond of her and I shall be every whit as fond .
11 The Member of Parliament shall be eligible for nomination for selection as the prospective parliamentary candidate and , whether nominated or not , he or she shall be entitled to appear as if they had been nominated before the special meeting of the General Committee convened in accordance with section ( 3 ) of this clause and to be considered for selection as the prospective parliamentary candidate .
12 If we set the poem 's rubric , which informs us that we shall be reading a fabliau , on one side for the moment , we could in the first stanza be looking at a tail-rhyme romance — a type familiar in English literature from the fourteenth century .
13 If Labour wants to win the election they have to convince us that we shall be no worse off under their reinstated rates system .
14 But Christmas is upon us and I shall be charitable .
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