Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] myself [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Could I make myself a sandwich , do you think ? ’
2 But although I asked myself the question , I knew the answer .
3 Then I forge myself a letter .
4 I made myself a pot of mint tea and sat silently at the living-room table .
5 I made myself a cape from an old camel hair coat , I could not wear that of Queen Alexandra 's Service .
6 Before getting into my sleeping-bag I made myself a cup of cocoa , without milk , which I do n't much like , and with a generous lacing of whisky , which I do .
7 I made myself a coffee and went to bed , pausing to look in and say goodnight to Nigel on the way , which at the time , and since , did n't seem at all an unusual thing to do .
8 ‘ When you did not come to see him I made myself a vow that you would face reality and not some story that has been hammered into you since childhood .
9 I made myself the timetable you know .
10 No I did n't even get up for that , I come downstairs , I made myself an orange juice he Vicked me back and me front again I tried to get back to sleep .
11 I make myself a cup of milkless tea , vintage 1974 , and take a cautious sip .
12 I got myself a couple of sausages on sticks , a hunk of crusty bread , and another Scotch , and I took over a pint of bitter for Seddon .
13 I went to the flat and I got myself a job working in Woolworth 's in Reading .
14 I got myself a job as typist and general dogsbody on a small magazine we thought was being financed from Moscow .
15 I got myself a pressie actually and I ai n't bloody ate it yet .
16 Eventually I got myself an editor who explained to me how to write a book , more or less , and what purple prose was , and all of that .
17 I shift myself a stair higher , so that I can reach up and stroke my son 's head .
18 When I was still very young I built myself a raft from old planks and oil-drums .
19 His first publication , a humorous but unsophisticated story entitled ‘ How I built myself a house ’ , published in Chambers 's Journal in March 1865 , was originally written for the amusement of colleagues during afternoons which appear to have been all too idle .
20 I promised myself a break with the crossword when I had written three pages .
21 I give myself a pat on the back for every question which I answered in a way which led the pupils deeper into the problem .
22 I consider myself a feminist .
23 Lewis says his love for his mother Vi will keep him out of trouble , declaring : ‘ She brought me into this world and I consider myself a mother 's boy — I owe it all to her .
24 However , I consider myself an expert in the art of assassination and murder and , I tell you this , violent death always comes quietly .
25 I poured myself a drink .
26 I poured myself a drink and sipped it .
27 I poured myself a drink .
28 Then I allowed myself the luxury to think ‘ Hey , yeah , at 30 you 're not such a failure after all . ’
29 When I fly out from the nest over the moors to its great and awesome cliff and gyre on the winds out over the sea then can I call myself a Wrath eagle . ’
30 V.W. I find myself a non-Catholic in a Catholic school that at the moment is promoting Catholics and I 'm at a complete dead end .
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