Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] he [verb] to get " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Knowing him , I expect he wanted to get rid of anything that made him think of the separation from his family , ’ she said sympathetically .
2 I love the Christmas services , but I did n't argue with him because I know he means to get rid of me one way or another .
3 Of course it must be agony for him to go shopping for me ( what does he do at the chemist 's ? ) , so I suppose he prefers to get it all over in one go .
4 I knew he wanted to get out , but your father always managed to persuade him to do just one more race .
5 I bet he had to get it from out the back did he ?
6 I think he wanted to get Rebus closer , for he was his primary target .
7 I think he wants to get his confidence back .
8 You know he intended to get married ? ’
9 anyway he walked , he was only away about twenty minutes you know he wanted to get the car and for me to drive I thought well er
10 He desperately needed a drink but he knew he had to get through the next little while — ten minutes , half an hour , an hour — completely sober .
11 He knew he had to get things done before it was too late .
12 And he knew he had to get rid of her .
13 Whatever it was , he felt he had to get rid of them . ’
14 Mind you it seemed that they had a test at school last week and he was n't terribly happy with it , he said he could n't understand it , he tried to explain to me what it was , but erm , it 's not , not easy , but Ga Gavin said erm , he said they 'd had a test and he said it took him time to get into it but once he got into it , you know , he did alright in it , I think he said how many he got , he did n't seem to do too badly , but he said Alex did n't really do anything and what he did do he thought was wrong so he did n't hand it in , he said and in actual fact what he had done was right , so I do n't know , I told , I told Alex to go and see , you know , and ask about it and sort of erm , apparently he did do that so at least he 'll know , but erm , it 's strange really because normally Alex
15 and he 's carrying his briefcase and he decides he wants to get a paper right and he 's absolutely massive
16 He does n't get much time for reflection , and when he does he tends to get depressed .
17 He said he hoped to get the boat back for Cowes Week .
18 Michael Gough , my editor , works for me in New York and he said he went to get a key to get back in after they had closed and they said why and he said because I think that I will be back later than your gate is locked .
19 But one incident that amused me was that I was booked for a coffee commercial and the producer phoned me up the night before the session to let me know the track we were doing , because he said he wanted to get it as close to the original as he possibly could .
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