Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] himself [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Damian considered her too inexperienced sexually to be able to fulfil that longing of his to express himself fully through the body .
2 Plainly the man who wrote this was the man who in Hugh Selwyn Mauberley took as his model and master Gautier , who described himself proudly as a man ‘ pour qui le monde visible existe ’ .
3 For a man who places himself resolutely against the suppression o questions Lord Todd 's juggling act with logic seem odd .
4 Wilkie , who describes himself modestly as a working journalist , then tracked down the poet 's widow .
5 The psycho-therapist , social worker or social reformer , concerned only with his own clients and their grievance against society , perhaps takes a view comparable to the private citizen of Venice who concerns himself only with the safety of his own dwelling and his own ability to get about the city .
6 A Masai who acquitted himself well in hand-to-hand fighting in Burma during the Second World War was allowed to keep the samurai sword he captured : ‘ Please do not take this sword away from this soldier ’ , the man 's commanding officer wrote on the wound tag around his neck , ‘ He is a Masai . ’
7 The prospects are bright and assured : ‘ Never fear the want of business — a man who qualifies himself well for his calling never fails of employment ’ ( Thomas Jefferson ) .
8 One of the authors who addresses himself directly to our main concerns is Ardrey .
9 And the Quixote himself sounds too light , and lacks that dominating nobility of expression that allows him to impose himself suddenly on a scene hitherto occupied almost exclusively by the Boy and the orchestra .
10 KEVIN Keegan ( right ) went into quarantine yesterday , but it was more than a niggling flu bug which persuaded him to lock himself away from his Newcastle players before the FA Cup fifth round tie at Blackburn .
11 The Shah seemed very pleased attitude was changing previously they had urged him to be a purely constitutional monarch ; now perhaps they wanted him to involve himself more in Iranian politics , He thought he must do that — otherwise there would be confusion and chaos .
12 His feet sank into a carpet whose blues and creams evoked a summer sky and , at Vigo 's behest , he lowered himself uneasily into a chair with a yellow satin seat and legs of rearing dragons .
13 He lowered himself gingerly to a gilt chair and stirred his coffee , the spoon circulating slowly until it finally stopped and he sat staring at it .
14 He lowered himself creakily beside her and felt for his own packet .
15 " Where — " He checked himself just in time .
16 He checked himself just in time , went down flat on his stomach , peering through the tough grass that grew on these dunes .
17 He applied himself enthusiastically to his studies , to the extent that during one term he was attending night classes after completing his normal day classes at Queensbury Highter Elementary School in Stoke-on-Trent .
18 That 's why he shuts himself away in that lonely place . ’
19 He seated himself comfortably in a chair opposite the bed , and hooked a footstool towards him with the toe of his shoe .
20 Gorbachev 's address received lukewarm applause , and in the speeches which followed he found himself sharply under attack by delegates .
21 Electronics specialist or not , he regarded himself primarily as a classicist and– indeed , he was totally fluent in reading and writing both Latin and Greek .
22 Convinced that there were practical solutions to the social evils of his day , he devoted himself particularly to the temperance movement .
23 After his retirement from the Institut Pasteur , where he lectured for some 50 years , he devoted himself entirely to his cookery studies .
24 Nu was no longer concerned with politics ; he devoted himself entirely to Buddhism .
25 Well , the thing I mainly notice when last week when Paul was home , not last week , the week before last I had Paul solidly at home , he moved himself entirely in lock , stock and barrel at the weekend , he was then with me waiting for his job and he went out every day and did little bit 's of shopping for me , got him from under my feet , saved me money , cos I was only buying what I absolutely needed , and the amount of time that I had , I mean I was able to go out for the whole day with Peggy on Wednesday , I was able to get food prepared and , admittedly I did n't manage to get as much done as I thought I was going to do , but then I think that 's with most people in life ,
26 He is such a lucid writer — and although he defends himself ably against the charge of superficiality ( which has been levelled since I was a student ) the breadth of his scholarship is so immense that the defence seems unnecessary .
27 He levered himself away from her , as if he could n't trust himself to stay close , swinging his feet to the floor and rubbing a distracted hand over his jaw , and up through his hair .
28 ‘ Just stand back , ’ he growled , as he lifted himself painfully to his feet .
29 In an advertisement in the Northampton Mercury of 27 April 1747 he describes himself simply as a millwright , but goes on to offer his services as a manufacturer and repairer of many kinds of agricultural machinery , weighbridges and ‘ mathematical and philosophical instruments ’ , as a designer of all kinds of mills , as a maker of ventilators for hospitals , gaols , granaries , or ships , and as a surveyor of gentlemen 's estates .
30 These points taken together suggest that the burnt-offering symbolized the worshipper 's homage and total dedication to God , in laying his hand on the animal he identified himself completely with the sacrifice .
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