Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pers pn] all the " in BNC.

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1 It only makes me want you all the more .
2 Ladies and gentlemen , I 'm very grateful to Professor Eppell for his characteristically kind and generous remarks , and erm I accept them all the more readily because I know you will treat them with a healthy degree of scepticism .
3 I know that you worry , even though I beg you not to , and I love you all the more for being so sweet about it .
4 The duties attached to some of these appointments were not too arduous , which made them all the more attractive to a landed gentleman with other interests but a great desire for an increased income .
5 Always small things , nothing she could have a qualm about accepting , which made them all the more delightful .
6 Which made it all the harder to understand why Wilkinson had not begun with Cantona in the side on a summery day that seemed ideally suited to his ball-playing skills .
7 And the minority who chose to behave in this way were mostly aware that they had no one to blame but themselves — which made it all the more painful .
8 He said it very simply , which made it all the more believable .
9 So far they had done precisely that , which made it all the more extraordinary that Julius should be here now , in her flat , actively seeking her out for the first time since he had overridden all his basic instincts and principles and strode out of her life ; away from the disastrous shambles of their marriage .
10 ‘ I head for the nearest jewellery store , ’ she said lightly , ‘ which gives me all the more incentive to get this door open . ’
11 Many of the most famous hams are British , which makes it all the more shameful that many shops are selling the wet and tasteless ersatz ham that we are all familiar with .
12 It does n't happen very often , of course , which makes it all the more satisfying when it does .
13 They are concerned , which makes it all the more alarming that the Opposition Front-Bench spokesmen continue to sit on their backsides and endorse the TUC 's policy .
14 Which makes it all the more appropriate that Mabel , now approaching 80 , has produced the classic , much-needed book on Whitby Jet .
15 When Mr. Mendez spoke to him you believed it all the more .
16 And then er so our Emma said , Oh well if you 're not do n't want do n't want these to come she said alright and she said she all the invitations and threw them all on the fire .
17 You have yours all the year round so
18 This made him desire her all the more .
19 Innocent — and so they fancied her all the more .
20 ‘ They had their own little bits of garden but they were never made to help when they were young , which is probably why they liked it all the more . ’
21 It made him all the more determined to do something .
22 That I could put no name to it made it all the more tantalizing , like a song when only the tune remains and the words are lost by time .
23 It hurt her all the more and she slumped to her knee .
24 Because I have such regard for the right hon. Gentleman , it makes me all the more discontented to disagree with him about the proposition of permanent or automatic timetables .
25 It makes it all the more important that , as a country , we hold fast to the alliance and to the policies which have stood us — and the cause of peace in Europe — in such good stead for so long .
26 It makes it all the more opportune .
27 It makes it all the sweeter when they fall .
28 It was , as the Duchess said in her speech , an exciting event because Derbyshire had so few smaller manor houses of this type open to the public — and what made it all the more special was the fact that Eyam Hall is still the family home of the Wrights , who built ( or rather rebuilt ) it , a few years after the plague , in 1671 .
29 What makes it all the more remarkable is that , unlike other group-living birds , the individuals involved in these mating combinations are not close relatives .
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