Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] accepted [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 've always accepted the possibility that a referendum could be an appropriate mechanism for sounding out opinion , particularly on constitutional issues . ’
2 I have also accepted the advice of a number of organisations , including the TUC , that , for security reasons , union members should not have access to the names and addresses of other union members .
3 Her husband , Bill Clough , seemed awkward and unsure of himself : his suit fitted badly , and he looked like a comic who has unwisely accepted a serious part in provincial rep .
4 It is difficult to see why she has hitherto accepted the development of a unitary European state , which is as distasteful to Continental as to British voters , for fear of being ‘ left out ’ .
5 She had always accepted the unwritten law of the pop jungle — all publicity is good publicity — and no matter what the excuses , she needed the headlines as much as their writers needed her .
6 ( Many Keynesians who had never accepted the Phillips curve regarded its ‘ breakdown ’ as the long overdue come uppance of an uninvited and unwelcome intruder . )
7 The court will not make an order unless it considers it just and equitable to do so having regard , in particular , to the number of shareholders who have been traced but who have not accepted the offer .
8 Even those who have fully accepted the thesis that all varieties of animal , including man , had a common origin in remote geological time have still managed to believe that a clear-cut distinction may be drawn between the culture of man and the mechanistic responses which we can observe in the interaction processes of other animals .
9 ( a ) the merchant bank covenants to pay cash to accepting shareholders who have validly accepted the share offer but who then also validly accept the cash alternative ;
10 The idea seems to be that you have tacitly accepted the protection of the laws and thereby you have tacitly undertaken to obey them .
11 We have long accepted the principle that ‘ if you live by the river you must make friends with the crocodile ’ and prepare for the certainty that sooner or later winds of hurricane force will hit the islands .
12 What we do have and have had for a long time in this country is an acceptance within our law and an acceptance within our definitions of freedom that there are responsibilities with freedom and those responsibilities in this particular case , we have long accepted the argument in this country , maybe not as much as erm , well more in fact than some of our colleagues abroad and maybe they could learn from us from this , but it is not acceptable to have the freedom to be unnecessarily cruel and in fox hunting we have a sport that is unnecessarily cruel , there are ways in which you can deal with rogue foxes , there are ways in which you can actually ensure that the fox community does not destroy the whole , er farming countryside .
13 The fact that a person was aware of an exclusionary term or notice does not in itself mean that he has voluntarily accepted the risk ( s. 2(3) ) .
14 To most Englishmen such a conjunction will be unbelievable ; but , on returning to England , he may find himself wondering how he has finally accepted the Spanish view .
15 Ted Dexter , chairman of the England Committee , commented : ‘ Graham has led the side in the best possible way during the winter and we are delighted he has again accepted the captaincy . ’
16 Through the Office of Fair Trading he has now accepted the board 's undertaking .
17 It is Jaime Ortiz Patiño 's recent move from a house in Vandoeuveres , outside Geneva , to smaller quarters in London following in his father 's and his maternal grandfather 's footsteps he has recently accepted an appointment as an advisor to the Bolivian government that has prompted the present consignment of Old Masters , silver and French furniture .
18 France has shown some sympathy ; an independent nuclear power , it has never accepted the notion that Russians and Americans between them should run the nuclear affairs of the world , let alone the post-Soviet world .
19 As far as the Channel Tunnel is concerned it has reluctantly accepted the need for on-train immigration checks but is still insisting that customs checks must be carried out at the terminals , against the advice of commercial interests who see such checks as detrimental to the ‘ user friendliness ’ of the Tunnel .
20 He had also accepted the gift of a jet ski from a construction company seeking public works contracts .
21 In cross-examination Mr. Burgess was asked why he had not accepted the deceased 's instructions and prepared a new will .
22 He had kept his promise to Holmes , and so he had not accepted the Stapleton 's invitation to their house that evening .
23 He had already accepted the need for reunion of churches in South India and agreed with Archbishop Michael Ramsey 's view that risks should be taken for the sake of Gospel .
24 Then he remembered with a sinking heart that he had rashly accepted an invitation to spent the holiday with a colleague ant his wife who had , as they put it , ‘ taken pity on your loneliness at this so-called festive season ’ .
25 He wrote to Law to protest when he was offered only an under secretaryship. pointing out that he had only accepted the Chairmanship because of the offer of a cabinet post .
26 Asked why he had initially accepted the Sarajevo agreement , he replied that he had been isolated and that the EC mediators had insisted on acceptance as a precondition for diplomatic recognition , which was his government 's " main objective " in the short term .
27 He had graciously accepted an invitation to a drum at Lady Angela 's luxurious house in Belgravia , nodding affably to Lovat as he acknowledged the bows and curtsies of his future subjects .
28 Campaign , the advertising industry trade paper , noted that he had happily accepted the deletion of the suffix ‘ man ’ from his title of Chairman of News on Sunday Publishing plc .
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