Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] been well " in BNC.

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1 Oh she probably heard that I had not been well
2 ‘ — and I 've not been well .
3 I 've not been well , Win . ’
4 I 've never been well over the weekend that 's why we got up so late .
5 I have n't been well , ’ she stuttered .
6 erm , well it just , it just , you know , with her , I mean , she ca n't sit still , I mean to have , I mean I , the last four Saturdays , admittedly I have n't been well , but I 've just been totally indoors sewing .
7 Her forehead shines whitely above the dark glasses ; she has not been well but the resting home has allowed her to visit us for the afternoon .
8 She has not been well and I do n't mind admitting now that we were very worried , ’ he said .
9 ‘ Angela 's taking a few days off — she has n't been well , ’ he said , easily .
10 But she has n't been well .
11 She has n't been well , and I would n't dream of leaving her until she 's really over her last bout of bronchitis . ’
12 What can the orthodox practitioner do if a patient tells him that she has never been well since her husband died some ten years ago ( grief reaction ) or since the dreadful fright she experienced when she had a car crash many years ago ?
13 er , was that because you 've not been well this week or just is it a , ro routine replacement or something ?
14 Yes , but I , it 's not because you 've not been well ?
15 If she had n't been well , perhaps , for some time , and had lost interest in the garden , and wanted to get the cottage done over for sale or letting , then she might have told them to go ? ’
16 Since that time , however , she had never been well .
17 Mrs Margaret Jones : ‘ David arrived home carrying the statuette that he 'd won at the song contest that he 'd been to with Ken Pitt and dashed straight upstairs to see his father who had n't been well for a number of days .
18 On Nov. 13 and 17 respectively the court ruled that Stoph , who had not been well enough to attend the previous day and had heart problems , and Mielke were too ill stand trial .
19 A lack of social support at the first interview was found to be associated with the presence of psychiatric symptoms ( GHQ scores ) at the second interview among those who had initially been well ( GHQ score less than 4 ) .
20 ‘ You must n't do too much , ’ said Lydia , misguidedly , as Betty took this for further evidence of her goodheartedness ; ‘ you have n't been well . ’
21 still I think it 's the fact erm you know y you 're not she 's got a problem on her mind she 's not been well you 're not taking her serious
22 yeah , they 'll be , and she 's always moaning driving Sue up the wall , why should I keep him blah , blah , blah , blah , doing nothing , we sit and look at each other and Sue said for Christ sake she said you 're twenty years old , not forty , she 'd been bad on and off again , throat , well she had the shoulder , throat er she thought she had , oh the diabetes was one were n't it , diabetes one , they thought she had , thought that she had glandular fever but she has n't and er , so Sue said to her well are you looking after yourself and she said yes I am , Sue said well I du n no she never seems to be , cos she 's never been well has she really ?
23 But then , father , they have n't been well . "
24 He had previously been well , except for chronic otitis media .
25 He could break you in pieces , only he 's not been well … .
26 Of course he 's not been well for some time and he did n't take care of himself . ’
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