Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] pound a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If I can take home a hundred and twenty quid well with my seventy pound a week pension two hundred quid .
2 Cornelius Fennel had left her fifty pounds a year for life , but she could not touch the capital .
3 The pater gives her fifty pounds a year as a dress allowance and she has nearly always spent it by the end of the first month .
4 On such a cargo he could easily make himself twenty pounds a week , plus .
5 and she said my sister spends I mean , we 're now talking about nineteen seventy my sister spends twelve and six a week on things from for the house on the hire purchase if she ever truly runs into debt she 'll save part of the cost of the thing , you know and then she knows that she 's always going to have to put twelve and six a week aside but she does that and buys things for the house and you see if you 've got if you 've got that little bit of extra coming in it 's quite well it 's like my lodgers , Brenda if I could n't if I could n't get what I need from my lodgers well Neil pays me Neil 's house rent which thirty pound a week
6 He only wanted to give you eight pounds a performance , but I pushed him up . ’
7 We 've heard you playing the piano for the local Sunday school erm we 'll pay you sixty pounds a year , which in nineteen fifty whatever it was a lot of money , provided you spend half of that having organ lessons .
8 costing you ten pound a month for newspapers ?
9 That gives you five pound a month towards your pension which is nothing is it ?
10 ‘ I 'll give you one pound a week pocket-money , ’ she said .
11 Just that they , they 're not willing to do it for nothing , and it 's going to cost you twenty pounds a time on top of the P A hire .
12 So even at ten and a half percent rejection , if you look at the latest figures , it costs you thirty pounds a month for an Eagle Star low-cost super super-duper endowment , but at the end you 're only going to replace your money , if you 've got erm the ten and a half growth rate , ten and a half percent , which is unlikely i in current circumstances .
13 If you had to stay away on your two days you 're out with the trainer then we will pay you thirty pound a night subsistence .
14 erm you could n't pay them ten pound a week
15 Then Carole 'll give me five pound a week now look , and then you finish in two weeks love and then you can order covers or whatever you wan na order .
16 I mean erm them solicitors sent a letter to him we had a copy come here but erm , he 's got ta pay her fifty pound a week .
17 well I know when , I know when Alan and Jade were both made emplo , unemployed and Alan withdrawal his dole and when Jade was unemployed they took the dole off Alan and give him sixty pound a week which was you know
18 apparently turned up this morning and they want a hundred pound by tomorrow , and they 're coming back tomorrow for it paying him ten pound a week and thought it was gone and he had er none so find a hundred pound by tomorrow and she did n't know where she was going to get it from , she just stood there and burst into tears and run off going on
19 Right , so , if it was going to cost me twenty pound a month for fifty thousand pounds worth of life cover , and I wanted to pay it annually , I 'd have to pay it twelve times , I 'd have to pay two hundred and forty pounds .
20 So let's say this client has got his thirty pounds a month Covermaster , er , and he 's decided that he wants to invest his Covermaster in a Japan fund .
21 and then they ca n't say alright , oh students give them hundred pound a week , he give them none , give them none
22 If you tell them that to get exactly what they need it 's going to cost them thirty pounds a month , and is n't it a brilliant contract , they 'll probably have that .
23 what I 'm saying to you now is , I was saying to Arthur , the , the petrol money that we used to put in for petrol , it cost us five pound a week in the winter , but in the summer it cost us eight pound a week sometimes ten
24 Er , from the sound business point of view , we can only recycle glass , because we get what are called recycling credits , which is that the County Council gives us fifteen pounds a ton at the moment .
25 what I 'm saying to you now is , I was saying to Arthur , the , the petrol money that we used to put in for petrol , it cost us five pound a week in the winter , but in the summer it cost us eight pound a week sometimes ten
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