Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [pers pn] want [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I plead guilty , partly , but in my defence I want to return to the point I signalled earlier , that a biographical approach has more political justification if the project being undertaken is one concerned with the cultural history of a marginalized group .
2 And then er part B bundles one , two and three er my Lord you want to look at the documentation which is dealing specifically with the purchase of the wine bar .
3 ‘ Unfortunately there is n't a single square inch of my life I want to share with you , ’ she told him levelly , the mad , febrile fluttering of her heart a private weakness .
4 ‘ If it 's my daughter I want to see her now , I do n't want to wait . ’
5 For my birthday I want to join the Brownies . ’
6 no , no , I , I , I just really want , cos I do n't think there 's any question of me this afternoon ruling on whether you 're right or not on these points , but I just er on second I thoughts I want to have them in mind
7 To see something really special today though requires a discerning nature and to an extent it depends upon which technique you want to see at its best .
8 All right , so you 've decided which university you want to go to and which course you want to do .
9 Now that 's a real nuisance with a working dog because it does n't matter where you have your beasts gathered or which direction you want to drive your sheep , a rabbit is always likely to pop up and Meg would be off like a shot .
10 You know it says book forty , do you have to know which books you want to go into ?
11 Do you want to have Easy Boot pop up when you switch the machine on and ask you which configuration you want to use ?
12 They now know which customers we want to increase the business with because the credit risk is low and we are ‘ under exposed ’ , and which market sectors we wish to restrict our exposure in . ’
13 So it 's a very personal sort of thing really , you know which area you want to go into .
14 We need to sort out which recording we want to use and MCPS will talk with SBK to decide on a fee .
15 I mean it 's , I mean er , we still consider , I mean in many ways it 's , it 's Breckland but particularly Norfolk we want to particularly their members we want to get , we want to get to , I mean er , you 'll need obviously great support authority District Council but er , er I will , I will consider that , but I do n't really think it 's necessary for that
16 Just state which competition you want to enter and leave your answers along with your name , address and daytime phone number .
17 Oh I 'm not interested in its acceleration I want to find out its speed .
18 Well you could have a look at your best ones and decide which ones you want to keep for best .
19 If you need to change angle to land on the line , you take two slight passes , the first either stopping with the wood still on the back table , or starting with it already on the front table , depending which way you want to tilt .
20 8 The Ride of the Valkyrie ( WAGNER ) We need to decide whose recording you want to go for .
21 Professor Laurence Learner is an English scholar at the university , but he 's also well known for his verse , and it 's about his verse I want to talk to him today .
22 I did that one day when things got hairier than usual , went down to where some bandit was trying to rip us off and practically rubbed beards with him and shouted into his face I Want To Work For Christ 's Sake Let Me Work , but Vic said that was n't being helpful .
23 Then there 's another neck that comes across the other way and you can tune the strings any way you want ; I basically tune to groups of diatonic notes with whatever melody I want to play .
24 Somebody once said that if angelism , sharing the gospel was one beggar telling another beggar about bread , where it could be found and undoubtedly when he was saying that he was thinking of that story that account that we had read to us earlier from the second book of kings , chapter seven , and I 'd like us to er turn back to us for a few moments this morning and perhaps draw some lessons for ourselves Sometimes as Christians its very easier for us to say what sins are , and we can see other people 's failings , you do n't have to be a Christian to do that of course , plenty of other people can do that , they see the failings of other people , they see the wrong doing they do , they see their wickedness their , their waywardness , whatever words we want to use to describe it , and we say well that is sin , perhaps for most of us this morning we could make er a list a , a , a tabulate a table of sins and we might say well they are worse sins and there are lesser sins and I would I suppose by and large there would be a fairly reasonable consensus of opinion regarding what was sins and what were not sins .
25 put down on a piece of paper what essentials you want done
26 Depending on what profile you want to achieve , you may also need to improvise with lengths of dowel or similar implements .
27 There 's masses of climbing , most of it excellent , and where you start will depend on what grade you want to climb .
28 Depends what sort you want dun n it ?
29 Now what I would like to say is that we 've made clear that we 're with certain very clear objectives in pushing forward , in saying that certain things had to be achieved and when I read the lilac piece of paper or whatever colour we want to call it .
30 in addition , Just Deserts now rotates jobs more frequently , holds employee exercise sessions and carries out regular opinion surveys of staff to find out what changes they want made .
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