Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [be] fixed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My mind was fixed on the tribunal most of the day , then I spent four hours travelling up for what I thought would be a place on the bench .
2 My free wing hung from the pole for I could not easily close it without terrible pain ; my eyes were fixed on them .
3 On my first acquaintance with the mad little road , in about 1950 , I had no feelings of affection for it nor any eye for the beauty all around , my gaze being fixed on the tarmac ahead as I dragged weary legs along it .
4 My attention was fixed on Toby , still sitting by the window .
5 The scope of their action is fixed by universally applicable criteria .
6 He had a think , and blew his nose , noticing after a moment that her mind was fixed on his words in a way that made him feel quite light .
7 Holists and individualists may both be said to have an overarching interest in understanding the mechanisms which operate in the social world , but beneath this unifying umbrella their eyes are fixed on different features on the landscape , and their respective theories are to be judged in relation to the tasks they set themselves .
8 Their eyes were fixed on each other in cold fury , their hands placed on the table , palms down , and they seemed to be waiting — waiting for
9 Ella noticed , with some alarm , that their eyes were fixed upon the silver basket which Dimity was proffering .
10 I do n't need to see through the sheet to know that Anya 's flushed brick red , and that her eyes are fixed on somewhere quite far to the east of the Walthamstow marshes .
11 The last words were spoken almost under her breath but her eyes were fixed on Lessingham 's face .
12 She sat quite still and her eyes were fixed on me with a curious , dark look of sympathy mixed with something else .
13 All through the night her eyes were fixed on the lights of Casterbridge , the end of her journey .
14 Her eyes were fixed on Melissa as if in quest of a miracle .
15 Her eyes were fixed upon his slumbering member hanging limply and harmlessly between his legs .
16 While her back legs trampled the pups in the box , her gaze was fixed on the door through which Lady had passed to the freedom of the yard .
17 But her feet were fixed with six-inch nails to the floor .
18 However , one inexpensive precaution is to apply self-adhesive warning stickers on the glass at eye level : for example , on a patio door which someone might inadvertently walk or run into while their attention is fixed on the garden beyond .
19 The earth is the resource base for human life ; its nature is fixed by physical processes — which can be altered both endogenously ( within the physical system ) and exogenously ( by human action ) — but identification of aspects of the environment as a resource is a human creation .
20 So either we shall have to disallow such a possibility and decree that nothing qualifies as a genuine proposition unless its truth-value is fixed for all time , i.e. that all propositions are what is sometimes called " eternal " propositions , or we shall have to accept that truth-value is not an integral part of the objective propositional content .
21 In 1731 its strength was fixed at over 132,000 men : by 1796 ( i.e. before Russia had begun to play an active part in the struggle against the French Revolution ) it numbered 458,000 .
22 While Moses looks forward to the ‘ good ’ to come , their minds are fixed on the ‘ evil ’ of the present .
23 Her face was fixed with a strange expression , eyes open , lips parted .
24 One way would be to have a chemical whose concentration was fixed at one end of the line , and this concentration decreased as one moved down the line .
25 I also get all sorts of people , from average riders wanting a family horse to have fun with to those whose sights are fixed at the very top .
26 In the election campaign , the Conservatives had made much of ‘ setting the people free ’ of the planners , and of making the nationalised industries more ‘ businesslike ’ and ‘ commercial ’ , but the reality of controls remained for some years , as indeed was inevitable given the physical limits of a national cake whose size was fixed in the short term .
27 I had not intended to intrude on my hon. Friend 's speech , but does he consider that a schoolteacher , whose salary is fixed through national wage agreements by the independent pay review body for teachers and who lives in my hon. Friend 's or my constituency in the south-east , is better able to afford the council tax on a higher band than a teacher who lives in Darlington or elsewhere in the north ?
28 His eyes are fixed on hers as if he is trying to outstare her .
29 Seemingly standing rigid like a statue , his eyes are fixed on page one of the script while peripheral vision is trying to take in every detail of events going on around him in the studio .
30 His eyes are fixed on you and you know , you just know that he 's about to spring .
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