Example sentences of "believed to have " in BNC.

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1 At their trial , the judge is believed to have added 25 per cent to each sentence specifically because the police had carried out the attack while operating in their official capacity .
2 In addition to imprisonment , those believed to have advocated Irian Jaya 's independence , whether through peaceful or violent means , continue to be at risk of torture , ill-treatment , ‘ disappearance ’ , and extrajudicial execution by Indonesian security forces .
3 These forms of art , however , can generally be believed to have only a friendly connection with their inspiration , which , indeed , is normally only the starting point for the exercise of the talent of the musician or the poet .
4 Its resistance is exemplified by the recent ‘ moving statues ’ devotional upsurge of 1985 in South-West Ireland , where statues of Mary were believed to have changed their posture , wept , and bled ( Tobin 1985 ) .
5 A Very little is known about Foster , but he is believed to have worked with Leppard in Bristol around 1810–30 .
6 Just under £60m in cash is believed to have changed hands in the deal where the pub owning company Enterprise Inns , headed by Taunton Cider chairman Michael Cottrell , acquired the Bass outlets .
7 The deal is believed to have been financed with debt and equity funding arranged by ANZ Banking Group and County NatWest Ventures .
8 Talks are believed to have been held with Thorn EMI , whose defence interests are up for sale .
9 Tropical Plant Rentals , acquired in October 1988 for $41.5m , is believed to have accounted for a decline in margins in Rentokil 's environmental services division from 25.8 per cent to 23.1 per cent in the first half of 1989 .
10 Even if the Soviet Union is no longer able to give orders , it still has great influence , and Mr Shevardnadze is believed to have used this in calls to Prague , Warsaw and East Berlin .
11 Its biggest benefactor is the property developer Godfrey Bradman , who is believed to have donated £250,000 to the last campaign , and has pledged £65,000 to the embryo Bill campaign .
12 He is believed to have been one of two armed men who last month hijacked a police car , prompting a manhunt over three Irish counties .
13 Presidential elections were held last May and the opposition candidate , Guillermo Endara , is believed to have won by a large majority , but the elections were annulled by the general amid renewed protests .
14 ISC is understood to have small contracts in each of these territories but further ‘ phantom ’ contracts are believed to have been invented to make the company seem more successful than it was .
15 Mr Renaudat is believed to have been arranging a deal for a large supply of arms captured by Chad during the war with Libya to be sold to the Lebanese Christians , through intermediaries in Tunis and Iraq .
16 The Defence Department is believed to have strenuously opposed use of US forces , once again , during Tuesday 's meeting .
17 An unknown number of East Germans were believed to have entered the West German mission in East Berlin , which was officially closed to the public , and others to have gone to the West German Embassy in Sofia , Bulgaria .
18 His family is believed to have paid a ransom of up to $1m .
19 They hoped to arrange a meeting with Mr Mugabe , who in his capacity as Chancellor of the university was believed to have taken the decision to close the campus .
20 One programme department head is believed to have rejected it .
21 About 10,000 people were believed to have been involved in the clashes , in which police , army units and factory militias armed with water-cannon and truncheons clashed with crowds hurling cobblestones and shouting ‘ We want to get out . ’
22 Many people are believed to have been seriously injured .
23 The two men were held in military custody , incommunicado , for some time and are believed to have been ill-treated .
24 Last Wednesday the Bank was believed to have spent as much as $1bn .
25 Both government and opposition are grappling with the awkward consequences of an upsurge of religious tension inspired by militant Hindu claims to a disused Muslim mosque on a site believed to have been Lord Rama 's birthplace .
26 Detectives named two men sought in connection with Clapham as Patrick Sheehy and John Conaghty , who are believed to have been the core of a cell of about five or six .
27 BAe 's stockbroker , Hoare Govett , was in the market again yesterday but is not believed to have added significantly to the stake .
28 A huge volume of Ferranti shares has changed hands since they returned to trading just over a week ago and a number of other potential bidders are believed to have built up small stakes .
29 A light brown Mk II Cortina is believed to have broken down when used by the IRA unit and a black E registration Nissan Micra was seen near the barracks the night before the bombing .
30 About £20m of the original money is believed to have been accounted for , although about another £6m is still missing .
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