Example sentences of "[pron] [am/are] [adj] opportunity for " in BNC.

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1 Although only pure-bred dogs can take part in breed classes at shows , there are other opportunities for cross-breds , most notably in obedience and agility competitions .
2 The TA there is well recruited , but there are other opportunities for people to serve in Northern Ireland , and I hope that they will use elsewhere the skills that they have acquired in the TA .
3 Are there occasions when there are other opportunities for kids to meet university people , perhaps hear them speak about their subjects ?
4 Fifthly , there are greater opportunities for crime in modern society .
5 This means that in addition to personal expenditure on goods and services , there are major opportunities for marketing products and services associated with health and welfare provision .
6 There are many opportunities for disabled people to join in team or individual sports , and within some sports people with handicaps can participate with able-bodied people .
7 But nowadays there are many opportunities for livening up your presentation with audio visual aids .
8 Here there are many opportunities for the two individuals to be mapped into different roles .
9 That vast organization is as amorphous and as difficult to impose discipline on as the legislature ; from the most senior to some quite junior levels , there are many opportunities for bureaucrats to undermine and defeat a president 's purposes .
10 It should also be noted that there are many opportunities for company representatives to make their views known to each other on the state of the market and the direction prices should take , for example , in after-dinner speeches , newspaper interviews , articles in trade publications as well as while doing lunch .
11 There are many opportunities for successive ‘ generations ’ to become progressively ‘ better ’ at getting passed to subsequent generations .
12 In other words , there are many opportunities for rudimentary cumulative selection to get going .
13 There are many opportunities for conservation in hotels such as noise reduction , improvement of air quality , the non-consumption of unsustainable products such as hardwoods , use of more efficient vehicle transportation and less of it , preferred cooking methods and significantly better insulation .
14 There are many opportunities for students from all disciplines to enhance and make use of their computing skills while they are undergraduates .
15 If I could just come in here , there are many opportunities for them to express their individual talents .
16 Most of these exercises are double cast so that there are good opportunities for several readings of the main characters .
17 In addition there are well-developed opportunities for interdisciplinary study particularly in the areas of European Institutions and Government , in Legal Theory , Criminology , and Socio-legal studies .
18 There are great opportunities for older women now , too , and after retirement , there is more time to take advantage of them .
19 I warmly welcome my right hon. Friend 's commitment to continue financial support for the less-favoured areas in general and the hill livestock compensatory allowances in particular , where there are fewest opportunities for diversification .
20 As the recent experience of many English villages shows only too well , there are ample opportunities for conflict to arise between both farmers and farm workers on the one hand and the newcomers on the other .
21 There are ample opportunities for those who wish to take part in music-making.There are also fine collections of keyboard and other historical musical instruments maintained by the Faculty of Music .
22 This is the case when there are competing opportunities for a scarce resource within a firm .
23 As this excerpt itself implies , the dynamics of competition may in due course bring producer behaviour into line with the wishes of consumers , since there are clear opportunities for profit in being the first to satisfy unmet demand .
24 On the whole the ‘ human potential ’ therapies require less of a time-and-attendance commitment than psychoanalysis , and there are more opportunities for group workshops .
25 There are more opportunities for quick thinking and it should make things very interesting with the need for players to be constantly on the alert .
26 Size might mean that there are more opportunities for internal transfers to cope with temporary absences or peaks .
27 There are further opportunities for parents to provide active support to the school and for greater informal contact between parents , governors and staff .
28 Teaching is still an important option for less privileged groups : for example , for school graduates in rural areas where there are few opportunities for professional employment and for both urban and rural women , whose range of job opportunities is still far more limited than men 's .
29 Languages can be learned ‘ at home ’ , where there are few opportunities for mixing with the native users of the language ( such as evening class french ) or they can be learned in a second language situation , either in the country in which that language is native or in one 's own country where the language is used for a specific purpose ( such as learning English in parts of Africa where it is used as the commercial language ) .
30 Whereas the Sage arm sells its products to Sovereign customers and there are few opportunities for expansion , he stated , YBF is a computer forms management business that services blue-chip customers , such as Midland Bank and Nissan .
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