Example sentences of "[pron] [is] easily [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 From a formal perspective , the description " staircase " is apt , but from a more semantic perspective it is easily seen that such a form is an instance of the parallelism of greater precision .
2 However , it is easily seen that a single false positive will create a fork in a map ( a loop in a graph or a shared branch in a tree ) .
3 It is easily seen that all the probes producing ‘ blocks ’ of extra positives outside the main diagonal ( like those hitting the centromeric regions of all three chromosomes ) are successfully filtered out and most ( about 80% ) of the coligated clones or those containing repeats are excluded from the analysis .
4 It is easily seen that these conditions are identical and reduce to just , the condition governing the critical frequencies of the constant-k prototype .
5 In the latter case it is easily shown that the matching in fact yields an equivalence once induction has been used to deal with lower levels .
6 It is clear that Wagner became genuinely fond of Nietzsche , but for all the young professor 's admiration of him as a person , Wagner — it is a notorious fact — was a supremely egocentric man ; it is easily inferred that he glimpsed in Nietzsche a means of gaining respectability in hitherto hostile academic circles , and that it was this glimpse , as much as anything , that encouraged his fond feelings to grow .
7 When the constant-k prototype is purely reactive , so that Z 1 and Z 2 are simply opposing imaginary quantities , it is easily appreciated that series resonance occurs in the shunt arm of the T-type m-derived section and parallel resonance in the series arm of the Π-type m-derived section .
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