Example sentences of "[pron] [is] recognize that [art] " in BNC.

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1 At one time only a few selected diseases were thought to have links with the sufferer 's state of mind , but now it is recognized that a whole range — from cancer to heart attack — may be brought on by worry and strain .
2 Today , of course , it is recognized that no real success can be achieved by a therapist working alone ; the patient 's full co-operation is essential .
3 Here at Nottingham it is recognized that the source of our special contribution to academic achievement is the quality of the people who work within it .
4 Once it is recognized that the job of the visual system is to recode the retinal image in terms of a representation of the outside world , and that much of this encoding can be done by comparing the properties of the retinal image in different parts of the visual field using fairly straightforward rules , constancies present no problem .
5 It is recognized that the current account deficit and associated capital inflows to the USA must eventually be corrected .
6 It is recognized that the everyday work of monitoring and negotiating is itself an expression of the agency 's legal mandate , and the legal rules about pollution may occasionally be invoked as part of the process of securing compliance .
7 It is recognized that the state apparatus becomes more elaborate ; for example , as Apter suggests , ‘ proceeding through four main stages : the pioneering , bureaucratic , representative and responsible governmental stages ’ ( Apter 1965 , p. 55 ) .
8 It is recognized that the construction of an outer northern route was favoured by the respondents to an nineteen ninety one consultation exercise .
9 It is recognized that the construction of a western relief road was favoured by the respondents to a nineteen ninety one consultation exercise .
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