Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [adv] found [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nick Butterfield of Harvard , though , thinks Wiwaxia is related to a scaly worm , part of a known phylum , which is also found in the Burgess shale .
2 A high proportion of patients who develop Reiter 's disease can be shown to have HLA B27 tissue antigen which is also found in people who develop arthritis associated with the skin disease psoriasis and those with ankylosing spondylitis .
3 This form , which is also found in ASL , is likely to have been borrowed by other sign languages from ASL .
4 In this latter condition , gluten ( which is also found in oats , barley , and rye ) produces damage to the lining of the bowel , preventing normal absorption of nutrients from the diet .
5 The bearded pig , which is also found in the rainforests of Peninsular Malaya and Sumatra , weighs up to 200kg , is dark brown or grey and has a white beard and conspicuous facial warts .
6 This species is perhaps of Arctic origin which is also found in bathyal and abyssal depths of both sides of the North Atlantic : south to Martha 's Vineyard in the west and from the Rockall Trough south to Portugal in the east .
7 Those which are datable , the stalagmites and burnt flints , have low concentrations of the radioactive elements uranium , thorium and potassium , as does the limestone which is also found within the deposits .
8 There are generalists in both tropical and temperate regions and , in the diet of some temperate birds , a single plant species can be most important as in the case of the Sardinian warbler , Sylvia melanocephala , which is rarely found except near fruiting Pistacia lentiscus ( Anacardiaceae ) , but this is highly unusual .
9 The thrush organism , Candida albicans , is a yeast which is normally found on the skin .
10 The only exception to this pattern is the iron knife , an everyday tool which is frequently found in graves , and which may have been more personalised than the more specialised tools and therefore buried with the owner .
11 A gas which is usually found in car exhaust fumes might soon be used to cure a certain type of male impotence .
12 Dr David Abramovich , a consultant gynaecologist working closely with the TSSIS , says : ‘ It is caused by a bacteria which is commonly found on the skin , or in the nose , armpit , groin or vagina of about one third of the population without causing any harmful effect .
13 A contributory factor in the mechanism of diabetic hypertriglyceridaemia may be increased free fatty acid turnover which is consistently found in uncontrolled diabetes ( Lewis et al , 1972 ) .
14 The Shipman 's Tale stands at the beginning of the second largest fragment of the Tales , fragment VII by the conventional numbering , a fragment which is consistently found in reliable manuscripts immediately after a fragment VI that includes the Physician 's and the Pardoner 's Tales .
15 They are also characteristically weak , the effects of deviations from perfect inversion symmetry ( which is often found for complexes of lanthanide elements ) being insufficient to relax the g → u selection rule .
16 The distinctive patterns formed by leaf scars are visible on fossils of the bark , which is often found in coal and in the deposits overlying ones containing roots .
17 It is sometimes suggested in addition that the bare infinitive is a sort of grammatical fossil which is only found in petrified form in certain fixed constructions ( Curme 1931 : 456 ) .
18 It is made active by a chemical switch which is only found in malignant tissue .
19 This is the case with the verb watch , which is never found in constructions with to : ( 45 ) * I watched them to be obnoxious .
20 This parasite , which is specifically found in the gill tissue is common to coldwater fish .
21 In contrast to this first basic pattern of bargaining which has been delineated , industry-wide and multi-employer agreements , we now turn to an analysis of the rationale of single-employer bargaining at the level of the enterprise or plant ( not necessarily conterminous ) which is typically found in the United States , Canada and Japan .
22 There is a very useful collection of 111 vessels of the first half of the first century under ‘ Belgic Verulamium ’ ; a group of 18 vessels from the filling of an unfinished well-shaft dated by a coin of Pius ( 145 — 161 ) ‘ lost in fair condition ’ , and a stamp of the samian potter GERMINVS who is also found on the Antonine Wall ( 142 — 163 ) ; a pit group ( Pit 6 , Insula V ) of 14 vessels with a coin of Pius ( 154 — 155 ) ; 9 vessels from Triangular Temple , from the filling between two floors of the courtyard ; there follows 9 more vessels , from different places , and 15 predating the S.E. gate , and finally , there are 7 from Pit 5 in building IV , considered as late fourth and possibly fifth century .
23 Even where it at first appears to be a rather pointless reaction there is invariably found to be some rational element , which means that conflict must be classed alongside other forms of purposive social action .
24 It is mostly found in the stronger astringents used for greasy skins .
25 It is normally found in magazines rather than in newspapers , where the far less subtle advertising feature has been well established for years .
26 It is easily found near the cluster M11 ; λ and 12 Aquilæ act as guides but both are too bright to be useful comparison stars , and so is α Scuti .
27 When considering Ernst 's equation , it is frequently found to be useful also to introduce an associated function Ε , defined by ( 11.11 ) With this , the line element ( 11.4 ) or ( 11.6 ) can be written in the alternative form ( 11.12 ) and the main equations ( 6.22d , e ) , or alternatively ( 11.7 ) , become .
28 It is scarcely found in the intervening period , but its presence here is no accident .
29 It is widely found in cough mixtures ( eg Actifed ) and hay-fever medication , some of which can be bought without a prescription .
30 The value of T g depends on the way in which it is measured but it is also found to be a function of the polymer chain length .
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