Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [adv] difficult say " in BNC.

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1 Well that they any comment on the appearance of a woman they now think erm it 's rather difficult to say .
2 My guess is you may not need the hour to complete the er course work but er it 's always difficult to say when you set the thing , yeah ?
3 There have been so many narrow escapes that it 's very difficult to say which one was the closest .
4 Well it 's very difficult to say what the because presumably the character of the paddock would have changed and the character of the conservation area likewise and it may well be that the use of that site would n't be a paddock .
5 Now again it 's very difficult to say because jogging will not be any good to you unless you 're in the right condition to do jogging and unless you 've got the right conditions to jog .
6 oh yes , yes , erm it 's very difficult to say I think when it actually exactly fades out , it would be , it would be fifteen years ago anyway , er when one used to find that there , there were no more of these being bought at all
7 It 's very difficult to say because we 've lost this end of the house and we 've lost the other wing .
8 er It 's very difficult to say .
9 But it 's very difficult to say to people , ‘ Go back into your offices and rock your handset ’ , because it 's the last thing on your mind , especially after a boring afternoon like this , all you want to do is get in there , do as little as possible and go home !
10 Describing Bell Lawrie as ‘ old friends of ours ’ , Brewin 's managing director , John Hall said yesterday : ‘ We are at the moment in negotiations , but it is pretty difficult to say too much until it is clear where we are going . ’
11 A hearer who interpreted [ 20 ] as conveying [ 21 ] would have not have captured the full meaning of the utterance : On the other hand , it is rather difficult to say what exactly it fails to capture .
12 While it is not difficult to say in general terms what the Council did under Henry VII , certain problems about its organization are less easily solved .
13 Yes ; it is not difficult to say .
14 It is even difficult to say that a very rich person could be compensated in money terms ; thus , however heinous the libel , such a person should get not more than a nominal sum and his costs .
15 The broken , Monkish phrases , lean , understated tone with a faint quaver to it , and unerring sense of placement are to be heard on five Monk tunes , and the trumpeter , Don Cherry — a musician of whom it is distinctly difficult to say you know what is coming next — is available on some of them .
16 It is n't difficult to say , is it ?
17 It is also difficult to say whether a change at the top would affect the Direction des Musées de France at the heart of the Ministry of Culture .
18 Although ‘ breach of the peace ’ forms a cornerstone of public order law it is surprisingly difficult to say what the concept entails with any degree of precision .
19 It is very difficult to say .
20 ‘ It is possible that this incident might be linked with them , but it is very difficult to say . ’
21 It is very difficult to say what part was played in these processes by notions of duty to assist kin , but the significance of the principle of mutual advantage , in understanding fluctuations in household composition , rather challenges the idea that people took relatives into their own home solely out of a sense of obligation towards them .
22 It is very difficult to say .
23 It is very difficult to say with certainty what they were at any particular moment .
24 The criterion of land under cultivation is crude , and resists refinement : it is exceedingly difficult to say whether in a particular country in a particular decade or generation the rate of growth was steady ; in some places at some times there may well have been local and temporary declines .
25 It is extremely difficult to say in advance whether or not any particular action or series of actions will be regarded as disorderly conduct .
26 Once a man knows of his right it is more difficult to say that it was not reasonably practicable to give notice within a reasonable time .
27 What 's so difficult to say about ‘ private investigator ’ or ‘ Mr Quick ’ or even ‘ pal ’ , ‘ buddy ’ or ‘ sir ’ ?
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