Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] said to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It began as a protest against the alleged peremptory nature of the decision by the NCB to close some working coal mines which were said to be uneconomic .
2 The music halls , professional football , the ‘ penny dreadful ’ comics and the ‘ penny bloods ’ which were said to be inducements to crime and immorality , the rowdy presence of working-class people at seaside resorts on Bank Holiday excursions , the evening promenade of young people that was ridiculed by their elders as the ‘ monkey parade ’ , the depravity and violence associated with the pub — they all came under attack at different times .
3 South Korea called on the North to accept inspection of its nuclear facilities , which were said to be well advanced in developing a nuclear device [ see p. 38396 ] .
4 Earlier the court had been shown a quantity of bricks and stones some of which were said to be bloodstained , and a heavy iron bar .
5 Those of Buchan preferred black , or black with a touch of white on the udder , which was said to be a sign of a good milker .
6 On yet another occasion at Alexandra Park Race Day in 1898 , which was said to be ‘ infested with a crowd of scoundrels and ruffians of the worst race-course stamp ’ , when police arrested a pick-pocket ‘ the constables were surrounded by a crowd , who kicked them and brutally ill-treated them , and released the prisoner ’ .
7 The Spectator ( 27 August 1898 ) had provided the clearest statement of the degenerative thesis , identifying the ‘ London Larrikins , as a throwback or ‘ reverted type ’ which was said to be ‘ one of the very central ideas of evolutionary doctrine ’ produced by ‘ every kind of artificial civilisation ’ .
8 Based on information from police and village heads , some of the 66 people still missing were believed to be dead ( although no other graves had been discovered ) , while the rest were reported to have joined a " trouble-maker group " which was said to be in hiding , according to an ABRI official .
9 She was now to be seen in a small cubby-hole next to Mr Malik 's office , typing furiously , or on the phone to an organization called the Islamic World Unity Fund , which was said to be about to offer Mr Malik and Mr Shah a large sum in US dollars .
10 I could understand the term ‘ genetic engineering ’ — well , as long as nobody asked me to speak for a minute without hesitation or deviation — and I recognized ‘ DNA ’ , which was said to be the basic stuff of life .
11 Before it left , the UN mission compiled information on 1,100 people who had been detained , were alleged to have been detained or who were said to be missing , back to 1977 .
12 There was no confirmation of the claim , although there was no contact with the CBS and ABC TV correspondents , who were said to be among them .
13 One was a complicated case in which the client had a number of relatives living nearby , who were said to be always arguing with each other ( including about the client 's care ) .
14 The Nightriders collected cash for Children in Need from passengers who were said to be full of Christmas spirit .
15 In popularizing this slogan Labour was enormously aided by widespread resentment against ‘ profiteers ’ — a word universally used during the war to describe the conduct of shipowners , food wholesalers , arms contractors , landlords and all the other ‘ Brit-Huns ’ who were said to be exploiting wartime scarcities to line their own pockets while workers and soldiers loyally gave their all for the war effort .
16 From August onwards the newspapers were over-flowing with the exploits of the various gangs in London : the ‘ Lion Boys ’ from the Lion and Lamb in Clerkenwell ; the so-called ‘ Clerkenwell ‘ pistol Gang' ’ ’ ; the ‘ Girdle Gang ’ which took its name from Thomas , alias ‘ Tuxy ’ , Girdle ; the ‘ Somers Town Gang ’ who were said to be the pests of Euston Road and Gower Street ; the ‘ Pinus Gang ’ who infested Leather Lane and Clerkenwell ; the ‘ Drury Lane Boys ’ ; the notorious ‘ Waterloo Road Gang ’ ; the ‘ Pickett Gang ’ ; , ‘ McNab 's ’ ; the ‘ Rest Gang ’ ; the ‘ Fulham Boys ’ ; the ‘ Chelsea Boys ’ ; the ‘ Velvet Cap Gang ’ ; the ‘ Plaid-Cap Brigade ’ from Poplar ; the gangs who romped around King Street and Great Church Lane in Hammersmith and who were said to be ‘ not ‘ Hooligans ’ ’ but worse' ; and many others , including a band of youngsters who had adopted the dare-devil title of the ‘ Dick Turpin Gang ’ .
17 From August onwards the newspapers were over-flowing with the exploits of the various gangs in London : the ‘ Lion Boys ’ from the Lion and Lamb in Clerkenwell ; the so-called ‘ Clerkenwell ‘ pistol Gang' ’ ’ ; the ‘ Girdle Gang ’ which took its name from Thomas , alias ‘ Tuxy ’ , Girdle ; the ‘ Somers Town Gang ’ who were said to be the pests of Euston Road and Gower Street ; the ‘ Pinus Gang ’ who infested Leather Lane and Clerkenwell ; the ‘ Drury Lane Boys ’ ; the notorious ‘ Waterloo Road Gang ’ ; the ‘ Pickett Gang ’ ; , ‘ McNab 's ’ ; the ‘ Rest Gang ’ ; the ‘ Fulham Boys ’ ; the ‘ Chelsea Boys ’ ; the ‘ Velvet Cap Gang ’ ; the ‘ Plaid-Cap Brigade ’ from Poplar ; the gangs who romped around King Street and Great Church Lane in Hammersmith and who were said to be ‘ not ‘ Hooligans ’ ’ but worse' ; and many others , including a band of youngsters who had adopted the dare-devil title of the ‘ Dick Turpin Gang ’ .
18 Some 10,000 Nigerians , who were said to be either illegal immigrants or Nigerians who had volunteered to return , were repatriated in mid-October , prompting an official protest from the Nigerian government which alleged that the deportees had been mistreated ; the opposition Gabonese Progress Party also criticized the action as a breach of human rights .
19 Immediately after the first wave of evacuation had taken place there was a chorus of outrage from reception areas about some of the evacuees — evidently those from the poorest homes in inner-city areas — who were said to be filthy , verminous , incontinent , ungrateful and thoroughly ill-mannered .
20 Children being what they are , she was said to be a witch .
21 She was said to be ‘ strained and suspicious ’ , but insisted she was well and did not need help .
22 She was said to be the most beautiful girl in the whole island , with a fair complexion , blue eyes and golden-brown hair .
23 She was said to be upset because she was too old to use the centre where the party was held in Whitley Bay .
24 She was said to be the most handicapped person in Britain at that time , since , due to a rare muscular disease , she was paralysed throughout her whole body except in her big toe .
25 She was said to be callous , selfish , irresponsible .
26 Two medical practitioners , neither of whom previously knew the patient , recommended her detention in hospital because she was said to be a paranoid schizophrenic with signs of aggressive , overactive and irrational behaviour .
27 She was said to be stable in Middlesbrough General Hospital last night , but no longer on a ventilator .
28 She was said to be ‘ comfortable ’ in Middlesbrough hospital .
29 Mr Trippier , who was said to be expressing the views of his constituents , wrote to Mr Kenneth Clarke on November 24 asking him to look again at the original 6.5 per cent pay offer , saying it was not fair .
30 Some appear as GHOSTS , while others turn into cannibalistic monsters like the witch BLACK ANNIS who was said to be a descendant of the Celtic winter goddess , Anu or Danu .
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