Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] necessary for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was necessary for me to ensure that this fish was in fact leading the others .
2 In the course of that memo , I also said I felt it was necessary for me to safeguard and consolidate my position with the company .
3 It was necessary for me to travel to New York .
4 The King afterwards explained his sudden decision in a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury ‘ When I realized how serious the situation both political and financial had become , I felt that it was necessary for me to be in close touch with my Prime Minister and of course he could n't come here . ’
5 It is necessary I had come to that view for me , at that time it was necessary for me to contact one of the duty Chief Officers and on this occasion it was the Assistant Chief Constable Mr , so I made contact with him .
6 And then again , ignorance er , at what she should subsequently have done er , then took over because she did n't realise that by having had er made contact with an individual erm it was necessary for her to report the matter to the police and she just did n't realise that that was something that she should have done .
7 But it is also important to remember that the object of the 1790 visit was really Switzerland , traditionally the land of liberty ; Wordsworth never retracted his belief in the ideals of Switzerland , which helps to explain why , when France threatened Swiss independence in the late 1790s , it was necessary for him to make a decisive choice .
8 For a man who found it difficult to write for more than three hours a day it was one way of passing time but , more importantly , as he explained in an address in 1951 , it was necessary for him to hold a job which other people considered useful ; he had so little confidence in his own work that he did not want to risk wasting all of his time upon it .
9 Under this enforced regimen of quiet and rest , he came to understand that it was necessary for him to retire a little from the active life in which he had previously been engaged ; he told William Turner Levy that he would have to learn to concentrate his time and energy upon his real work .
10 It was necessary for him to transcend the terms of the old conceptual system by developing a new one .
11 First of all , for instance , the preparation which Milton felt it was necessary for him to give himself , was neither technical nor introspective .
12 He told me that it was necessary for them to start praying at home every day .
13 They therefore consulted their solicitor to see if it was necessary for them to remain in this country for the purpose of attending the hearing in August .
14 But now that the opportunity had arisen , it was necessary for them to try .
15 After the fierce arguments of the previous decade it was necessary for my Group to explain its own rationale , and we did this in the second chapter of our Report .
16 However , following the case of Sofi v Prudential and the 1989 I O B Report it was necessary for us to revise our interpretation in this respect .
17 May 1910 , and it was necessary for his eldest son to become King George V , in his succession .
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