Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] sit [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mick and I were sitting beside Paddy , who was driving , when there was a loud bang .
2 As Anwar and I had these conversations Jamila liked to open the door to the store-room and just point the black barrel-ends of her eyes at me as if I were sitting with Eichmann .
3 There was also the anxiety of discovering where I was to sit in chapel ; then I had to learn the names and whereabouts of the different houses and of the scattered playing fields .
4 it 's , it 's , I was sat outside at eight o'clock and it were dark , I could , sat watching traffic lights , there was that much to do I was sat outside smoking watching traffic lights change
5 I was sitting under Marcus 's chair in the garden on one of those days when he stays at home when I heard this noise from next door .
6 I remember a horrifying dream I had during one Wimbledon wherein I was sitting on top of a tall step-ladder half-way down the garden in the umpire 's position — not awarding points to the thrusting vegetation below but conducting them with a baton .
7 ‘ But one day I was sitting at home , doodling around the 12th fret and trying to figure out how I could play in a minor key without having to retune the guitar .
8 Come the following night , I was sitting at home with Caroline ( Nigel 's daughter by his first marriage , the wife of the ‘ moving ’ John , who had not long returned to Denmark ) .
9 A day or two before our transmission of the item , I was sitting at home watching Top of the Pops on the BBC .
10 When I was fifteen I was sitting at home and my dad was crashed out in the chair , my dad 's a Fords worker , and the Miss World beauty contest came on the television and I just felt really overwhelmed by this vision .
11 When I was sitting at dinner on the terrace .
12 And when the great beast stopped to answer a call of nature , I felt as if I was sitting astride Mount Pinatubo .
13 At 17.23 I was sitting in Jake 'n' Suzi 's Unisex Salon , a tiny place that looked as though cockroaches 'd run out of corners and over your toes .
14 I think they spoke to each other but I did n't get a good look until I was sitting in Armstrong with the engine running .
15 I was sitting in bed , reading about Lot 's wife as Mum had told me to , when Dad came in .
16 I could n't believe I was sitting in church but that was the start of the road back .
17 I was sitting in front of my easel at about quarter to nine , doing preliminary tests on a little panel-picture of a City church ; Radio 3 in the background was churning out something by one of those Bachs who were n't Bach .
18 Next day , when I arrived to take my seat on the coach to our town , I discovered I was sitting in front of two convicts , who were being taken to the prison-ships by their guard .
19 I was sitting in front of the car and erm everybody , everybody started beaten her up like
20 I was sitting behind Lewis , who was in the front passenger seat .
21 She also felt as if she were sitting in front of a bespectacled lunatic who was making things up as he went along .
22 The other seat in 1987 comprised the Speaker ; those at dissolution comprised the Speaker , three Deputy Chairmen of Ways and Means and two former Labour MPs who were expelled from the party in December 1991 and who were sitting as independents .
23 No one was placed except the nine of us who were sitting at Robin 's table , and we were just asked quietly when we went in ‘ to go to the table with the birthday cake on it ’ .
24 Was it normal , she had enquired , for elderly gentlemen making termly investigations into your scholastic progress to indicate where you were to sit for interview by laying their hand on the sofa cushion , and then , when you sat down , failing to remove their hand ?
25 When they went into dinner and she was sitting beside Peter Suvarov , Julia took pains to draw him out and discovered him to be quite as attractive a character as his wife .
26 At half-past one she was sitting beside Maman at the dining room table : Maman who spoke not a word , who ate nothing — Twomey looked quite concerned as she waved away his offerings .
27 She was sitting beside Ken , who looked depressingly the same as he had done the previous night .
28 Soft music flooded through her helmet , and if she ignored the sensation of movement , she could almost pretend she was sitting at home … almost .
29 She was sitting on Claire 's bed with Annabel beside her and Annabel 's disgusting camel on her knee .
30 She told police she was sitting on rocks at the edge of the Indian Ocean beach reading a book when the youths , aged around 15 , struck .
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