Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] be presented with " in BNC.

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1 On Saturday morning there will be a meeting of our National Council which will be presented with a document called ‘ Wales 2012 ’ .
2 You may be presented with a service agreement which covers many pages and which , you are told , offers the attractive guarantee of a long working period .
3 On arrival in Oberkirch you 'll be presented with the Oberkircher Dannezapfli , ‘ the little Oberkircher fir cone card ’ .
4 You can tell when the instructions to the CPU are being carried out because your screen will clear and you 'll be presented with an opening view of the package .
5 Win the special edition of The Crystal Maze and you 'll be presented with this unique 1.4Cfi Dash Cabriolet
6 ‘ No matter what the situation at the Priory , if your friend Ryan is not available you would be presented with real difficulty .
7 When starting to design a NEW PIECE , you will be presented with a square block on the screen .
8 Once you have the program up and running on your computer , you will be presented with a MAIN MENU screen .
9 When Windows is first installed , you will be presented with a Program Manager screen something like this .
10 For our training purposes we will be presented with a tactical scenario together with a target to try to observe .
11 This , incidentally , causes some warm regard in Auckland , but less in other parts of the country where rugby buffs asked why they should be presented with telecasts of club matches from those willy-woofers in the north each week while their own club games did not gain equal exposure .
12 It was decided also that if any person was to win 6 years in succession , he would be presented with the trophy to keep ; so far it appears to be an impossible goal as in the intervening 266 years , no person has won more than once .
13 He will be presented with a framed certificate at a ceremony in London .
14 A former supervisor at British Nuclear Fuels in Preston , he will be presented with his cheque in London today by Arthur Daley actor George Cole .
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