Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] bring [indef pn] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll bring one in on Tuesday , in case , but if it comes on on the weekend I 'm gon na tape it .
2 ‘ I promised Mach I 'd bring something back .
3 I would bring something back for someone else but I would not bring it back for myself .
4 And then somebody would bring something up .
5 It is the same with the notion that you can bring everybody up to the average .
6 I mean , you 've got to bear in mind that God created the , the heavens and , and the earth and any human that 's er in God 's memory who 's is deceased out the way , if you 've got enough faith , you can believe that you can bring anything back
7 The cra we 'll bring everything up .
8 Do n't say , ‘ Oh , if we have a wine and cheese party , it 'll bring something in ’ , when you need to be sure of raising £300 .
9 He rang me one day and asked if he could bring something down .
10 If he did n't wear his glasses , he could bring one on .
11 Sometimes I managed to find stocks of surplus out-of-date doctor 's forms and he used these to type out rough drafts of his latest short story or chapters of his novel on his old Remington Portable — about the only thing he had n't sold — and occasionally he would bring one round for me to read .
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