Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] wait for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well I I think I 'll wait for H B F to come back on that one .
2 I 'll wait for Jeff . ’
3 I 'll wait for Daddy .
4 I 'll wait for granddad , he 's got my diary .
5 I asked if I could wait for Frankie but Mum , who I 'd thought was asleep , piped up at that .
6 I could wait for dark , bypass the current in the fence , climb over , sneak up to the house , stick a bug on one of the windows and hope they would n't see it . ’
7 David and Geoffrey were perfectly welcome because they were English , but I was not welcome because I was American , so while they were staying on to see the May Day Parade , I was meant to leave and fly to Berlin where I would wait for David and Geoffrey who were going on by train through Poland .
8 ‘ I do not suppose , however , that you will be applying for the position so I shall wait for Alain to send a few people here for me to see .
9 you must give way to any pedestrians on the crossing , so , otherwise you may proceed a straight pelican is one crossing even when there is a central refuge and you must wait for people crossing from the further side of the refuge , do n't harass the pedestrians for instance by revving your engine .
10 ‘ Oh , you must wait for coffee , ’ said Bob , sobering and turning to signal to the young waiter .
11 However , in the following script , there are several places where you must wait for mail before proceeding .
12 If you are waiting for God to suddenly send some new blessings , you 'll wait for eternity !
13 I would n't trust anybody I was talking to that lady , paper shop you know where you used to wait for Les
14 Anne came back with cigarettes and chocolate and magazines and said goodbye to Terry , then she said she would wait for Sarah at the entrance and left them together .
15 We , in the election and we should , and we should wait for America and try and advise America a a and , and take a view , a a it oh o otherwise madness lies , if there were people who gon na make deals with bits of Russia for this grievance we 're gon na be in a terrible state .
16 For the decisive reassertion of these claims , we must wait for Nietzsche , Wagner 's young friend and admirer who , like Wagner himself , had the deepest respect for Schopenhauer 's ideas , but , unlike the composer , also possessed the capacity to reappraise those ideas and challenge them .
17 If Raskolnikov was to have mounted an assault of something like Grand Inquisitor proportions , if he was to have expatiated on the whole God business not being worth the pain of one misused child , then the time was n't ripe ; we must wait for Ivan Karamazov .
18 For a real account of the BCR we must wait for Martin Davies 's definitive history , but although I have only included some of the anecdotes which crop up again and again , and a few photographs , many BCRS member have given invaluable assistance , and the presence of the Railway taken for granted throughout the time covered by ‘ BISHOP 'S CASTLE WELL-REMEMBERED ’ .
19 They say we must wait for science to provide that proof .
20 Just a minute , cos er we must wait for tea in the teapot .
21 We 'll wait for forensics .
22 Often when we went to Retford by train , we used to wait for George Hird 's bus , if you could call it a bus .
23 So We will wait for Andrew to come up with his amendments and therefore we may as well go through the rest of the agenda .
24 We will we will wait for Liz .
25 As a rule he would wait for others — judges , opponents , even his wife — to decide matters of importance .
26 He would wait for Marcus to speak first .
27 RUSSIA 'S athletics chief , Valentin Balakhnichov , has announced he will wait for dope test results , expected later this week , before passing judgement on four athletes expelled from Sweden on Monday .
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