Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [vb pp] all over " in BNC.

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1 Manager Trevor Anderson added : ‘ I 've played all over Europe and have never come across this sort of thing before .
2 Manager Trevor Anderson added : ‘ I 've played all over Europe and have never come across this sort of thing before .
3 I 've played all over Europe , although we are only going to Scotland , England and Wales on this trip . ’
4 It 's probably Tabitha 's rusks again which I 've got all over me !
5 I have fished all over Scotland but the first place that I came across this system , which is used to distribute available fishing fairly amongst guests , was at Scourie , and it works very well indeed .
6 You 've conducted all over the world , including one place in India where you told the orchestra to play forte throughout in order to defeat the noise of the air-conditioning , the Vatican , and the great open-air theatre at Epidaurus in Greece .
7 The Sorrel Quartet , a young group of musicians who have played all over the world , were joined by violist Roger Bigley , a founder member of the Lindsay Quartet , to play two Mozart String Quintets , No 1 in B flat , K174 , and No 4 in G minor , K516 .
8 We 've worked all over Australia New Zealand you know America and Canada and has n't .
9 We have celebrated all over the world — in the Diaspora outside Palestine , and inside Palestine too , in the Yishuv itself .
10 Liz Clifton the gallery organiser says the work is very skilled and they 've looked all over the country to find things .
11 All bloody mud and stuff they 've got all over it !
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