Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [conj] [pers pn] knew " in BNC.

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1 I asked if they knew the way to the Sanctum .
2 I asked if he knew what had happened to her .
3 When engaged in writing the naval history of the war , he had of course accumulated more material , both British and German , than he was ever able to use ; and one day over coffee at Cambridge I asked if he knew of any naval occasion of the Second World War which had not yet been told and which , in his view , ought to be .
4 ‘ Nothing — I asked if he knew if she 'd seen anyone in the hospital recently , before we contacted Records .
5 When this eagerly awaited party actually happened , it had been going forty minutes before Dad and I realized that we knew virtually no one there .
6 I viewed A&R men the same way and when I met them I realised that they knew even less than I thought they knew .
7 I fancied that I knew what he was thinking ; much like what Jack would have thought .
8 He never said anything , but I knew that he knew , because he was nicer to me than he had ever been before .
9 I could take it and Barry knew that I knew that he knew I could take it .
10 I walked in through the door and , feeling a bit lost , I asked the first person I saw if he knew whether the Social Secretary was around .
11 I had been on one of these camps before so I thought that I knew what to expect .
12 I cried because I knew when I walked out on Ramsay Street , it would be a hundred times more difficult to see my friends , ’ she confessed .
13 So like when I said that she knew that I was teasing her when I said in , in that tone of voice .
14 I knew what I had and I knew what I wanted .
15 ‘ The first one being that I had put two and two together from your various veiled remarks , and I suspected that you knew about Rob 's relationship with Elise and that you were , in a sense , gunning for him .
16 I wondered if you knew anything about them ? ’
17 After he 'd gone Dad said he would consider what Mr Vulcan had said but I knew already what I wanted and I knew Dad would n't object .
18 She thought she knew herself very well , but faced with God she realized that she knew virtually nothing .
19 She asked if he knew a ‘ vile jacobin villain ’ who had led astray a young man from her parish called Burnett .
20 She stood in front of the mirror and in front of her mother , and she suffered because she knew that there was no escape ; the reasons why the dress would not do were reasons which could never be communicated .
21 she assumed that I knew about the abilities and feelings of humans and cats , about houses , territory , and the socially stereotyped roles of women and men .
22 Referring to her disgraced son-in-law as ‘ Mr Mellor ’ , she added that she knew of his decision to resign ‘ some time ago ’ .
23 She replied that she knew where he was but she did n't want to discuss it .
24 For example , a county GRIST coordinator ( formerly a mathematics teacher ) who claimed that he knew of the Report but had not read it , made the following eloquent and not untypical statement :
25 She was built like a javelin thrower , but she blushed and I knew I had been in good hands .
26 She thought that she knew who the lucky man might be , and it took all her strength of mind not to betray the dreadful emotions which merely thinking of him aroused in her .
27 It was she who would be embarrassed if she knew , or at any rate , if she knew that he knew that she knew .
28 You knew that he knew that .
29 But in 1976 , when Jean Darnall gave me this advice , I knew exactly what she meant and I knew that what she recommended was exactly what I wanted to do .
30 And strangely enough she felt that she knew him but that was absurd , she had never seen him before .
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