Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [pers pn] [coord] looked " in BNC.

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1 Mm I mean he looked at me like I was a bit silly and it was only when I got it and looked he 'd got after Christmas written
2 When I was finished , I closed it and looked up .
3 She ignored him and looked expectantly at her father .
4 Johnny 's wallet lay next to the stud box , and feeling more and more like a sneak-thief , she opened it and looked inside .
5 She definitely could n't , though she thanked him and looked longingly at the boat .
6 Robert had to say it again before she heard him and looked across to the table where Aunt Tossie and Andrew were drinking and Lalage was jumping up and down , opening her mouth to catch with complete dexterity the pieces of biscuit that Dada , suddenly lively , was throwing into it .
7 Admired for his ability , diligence , and determination by those who knew him and looked on with affection by all who met him , the ready reference to ‘ Jock ’ was a happy recognition of his easy combination of public popularity , private modesty , and unfailing personal courtesy .
8 They followed her and looked where she pointed , through a gap in the yews .
9 He lifted it and looked at her , and she saw that his skin was like a Red Indian 's , incredibly weathered , his eyes red-raw , his mouth cruel , damaged .
10 Sherlock Holmes was listening with his eyes closed , but now he opened them and looked at Helen Stoner .
11 He opened it and looked at the video tape cassette inside .
12 As though reading her mind , he released her and looked down at her face , the intensity of his stare making her flush .
13 It was a sensual onslaught that made her brain whirl , and she was still dazed as he released her and looked down into her dazed eyes .
14 Though my injury from the officer 's ball was not much worse than a flesh wound , it hurt me and looked bad .
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