Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] lose his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Milovan Djilas , who observed both Stalin and Tito at close quarters , has made the point that self-abasement too is necessary to the system : everyone is loyal to the leader , owes everything to his inspiration , is worthless without him , until someone else is leader : that someone suddenly loses his modesty .
2 A man with a mission who suddenly loses his faith .
3 And who ever loses his life for my sake , will find it .
4 Stefani retained his politburo membership and was appointed Chairman of the State Control Commission , in place of Manush Myftiu who also lost his post as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers .
5 DIEGO MARADONA last night bowed to the supreme talent of Paul Gascoigne and urged him never to lose his individuality .
6 The train rumbled nearer , Ian was still jigging about on the parapet , he could see the smoke box lamp flickering , then as the train was almost on the bridge the smoke enveloped the structure as Ian was doing his Highland jig ; he suddenly lost his balance and fell down onto the smoke box frame , the force of the fall did its lethal work and killed Ian Watson .
7 But he just loses his temper and refuses to come , so now I dare n't mention it .
8 The last time we spoke of it , about five months ago , he just lost his temper and started shouting at me , saying it was my fault .
9 Unfortunately , due to all road signposts being removed , he soon lost his way and had to ask someone for directions .
10 Only once had he ever lost his temper with the Normans .
11 Did he ever lose his temper , raise his voice ?
12 Although he gradually lost his sight in his last decade , Ridolfi continued to write .
13 Although Max is a jazz genius , fame always eludes him , he always loses his fee and ends each episode walking down a lonely street into the sunset , consoled by his friend Alto Ego who loudly plays a mournful tune .
14 If the plaintiff/creditor was unable to prove his case and had judgement given against him , he also lost his deposit to his debtor .
15 They will go to Klosters , his favourite resort in the Swiss Alps where four years ago he nearly lost his life in the avalanche which killed Major Hugh Lindsay .
16 So well known were Dr Hannes Kaufmann 's left-of-centre views that when the Nazis seized power he immediately lost his job as a civil law court judge in Hamburg — because , as Hitler said : ‘ The Liberals are more dangerous than the Communists : they can think ! ’
17 Unfortunately , he then lost his way over cars and creches .
18 In 1813 , however , he succeeded James Wyatt as architect to the Middlesex Hospital , holding the post until 1829 , and he also made some further progress in the Office of Works : in 1818 he was promoted to the clerkship of the works for the eastern division , transferring in 1829 to Hampton Court , but he then lost his position in the reorganization of the office in 1832 .
19 The silver halo dazzled his eyes and he almost lost his grip .
20 He pushed her away , but quickly clung to her again when he almost lost his balance .
21 He almost lost his balance and tipped the chair over as he scrambled back down to floor level with it .
22 Though he ultimately lost his head under the executioner 's axe , whilst that head was on his shoulders he did use it well .
23 He seldom lost his temper , but that day he was cross , rightly so , for fresh greenstuff at that time of the year is priceless .
24 As Venkat parried the lifter he too lost his cap — but on this occasion not his wicket .
25 Luke tells you what to do all the time , but quietly , and he never loses his temper , except if he thinks you 're not toying .
26 The children 's abiding memory of their father is his patience and thoroughness : he never lost his temper , and all tasks were thought out and executed with minute attention to detail .
27 Corbett told polic that he never lost his temper with the child and never smacked her .
28 He always felt that effective musical criticism began by being well written , and he never lost his liveliness .
29 He never lost his ability to fire others with a passion for great painting of the past , but he began to weary of the College and was often found with his students , not in the studios , but in the nearby pub , the Hoop and Toy .
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