Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] considered to be " in BNC.

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1 Surely the House acted wisely when hon. Members on both sides of the Chamber threw out the Shops Bill , which I considered to be a disgraceful piece of legislation .
2 Erm I think they probably thought their jobs were at threat or the continuation of employment in their quarry and the quarry would shut down which manage management had certainly hinted at , yet which I considered to be a bluff , because no one 's gon na kill the goose that lays the golden egg .
3 If I were to ask a school-teacher to choose for me a sample which she considered to be a fair cross-section of her pupils so that I could interview them for a survey , there would almost certainly be a personal bias in the sample given to me .
4 Plunging into Miriam 's multi-layered consciousness , Richardson narrates everything through the mind of her heroine , thereby frequently sacrificing form and selectivity , which she considered to be characteristics of male writing .
5 Is civic assertiveness now so strong that citizens would actually be prepared to break laws which they considered to be unjust ?
6 Cromwell and his army colleagues considered the improving of the morality of the English people one of the chief priorities of their government , and they made every effort to eradicate a range of popular pursuits which they considered to be sinful , profane , or unseemly .
7 Under the agreement five-member panels would review decisions made by either country to impose import duties on goods which they considered to be unfairly subsidized or dumped .
8 Mednick and his colleagues ( 1981a ) describe four characteristics of the sick group which they considered to be distinguishing features :
9 Burn said that immediately after the assessors were appointed he proposed that each judge should examine the schemes separately and indicate on them which he considered to be the best .
10 The second was the commonly used treatment by opposites — in other words , palliative treatment such as laxatives for constipation , which he considered to be a false path .
11 He used an external filter which he considered to be the best option , as it would be quiet , easy to maintain and would keep the water cleaner .
12 Bates entered his third final in an uneasy mood , stating his opinions about a fine which he considered to be too high for a verbal abuse offence — this did affect his performance .
13 Palmer subsequently became a member of the council of the Institution and in 1835 was elected one of the vice-presidents ; he was always very attached to the Institution , contributing several interesting papers and seldom failing to take part in the discussions which he considered to be the most valuable part of the meetings .
14 He had that sense of fact which he considered to be more useful ‘ than nine-tenths of the most pretentious critical journalism ’ .
15 In his budget speech Babangida announced that a provision of $2,000 million had been allocated for external debt servicing in 1990 , which he considered to be " unsustainable " .
16 President Fernando Collor de Mello had demanded the replacement of Beza 's predecessor , the Argentinian economist José Fajgembaum , for making comments which he considered to be blatant interference in Brazilian national affairs .
17 President Göncz , himself imprisoned under Communist rule , asked the Constitutional Court for a ruling on the new law , which he considered to be ill-defined .
18 Originally a three-year trained teacher , by 1976 he had successfully completed a part time B.Phil degree and subsequently had tried , unsuccessfully , to obtain the pastoral experience which he considered to be necessary in order to move up the comprehensive school hierarchy .
19 She had taken it into her head to befriend the new lass whom she considered to be a cut above the rest — which is to say , she did n't curse or spit .
20 Picking up the internal telephone , she buzzed Stephanie , abruptly coming to a decision she 'd been wrestling with for a couple of days , one she considered to be eminently sensible and practical …
21 ‘ Privacy ’ is a word even less susceptible of exact meaning , though probably everyone could define something they considered to be private .
22 However , Vauxcelles 's original references to the ‘ cubes ’ in Braque 's work and to his ‘ bizarreries cubiques ’ had been intended disparagingly , and the term ‘ Cubism ’ continued to be applied by hostile critics to the work of the more advanced painters whom they could not understand or appreciate , and by perceptive critics to these same artists whom they considered to be pioneers in a new movement .
23 The LJV claimed that Rios was the first name on a " hit list " of 127 public figures whom it considered to be involved in corruption , prominent among whom were former President Jaime Lusinchi and his wife and former secretary Blanca Ibáñez .
24 Numerous political appointees and civil servants were also replaced by friends and relations of Lini , whom he considered to be more loyal .
25 Phoebe , who might have been a slut , had in fact become exactly the opposite — she had not time or patience or tolerance for anyone she considered to be exploiting the manual work of other women .
26 He anticipated talks " in a month or two " , but insisted that sharp differences remained over the question of Palestinian representation and said that Israel would maintain a veto on anyone it considered to be associated with the PLO .
27 Woolley patrolled the squadron and gave a brisk burst more or less behind the tail of anyone he considered to be holding back .
28 Ever since the Which ? team carried out what I considered to be some very unscientific trials comparing blood , fish and bone fertiliser with Growmore a while ago , I have been suspicious of their methods .
29 I was well satisfied ; I had beaten what I considered to be a bogey track for me , determined not to let either the track or the stadium get the better of me .
30 ( Interestingly enough , I could n't get what I considered to be a good cup of coffee when I was in the States , so perhaps it 's a dying art …
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