Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] have ever [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've had a stormy relationship with everyone I 've ever worked with , ’ says Nicky , ‘ because I care about what I do !
2 This was a foreign land , peopled not only by my superiors , for that applied to everyone I 'd ever known , from the hole in Mother woman through which I was expelled to the hole in the Mother earth by which I 'd be swallowed ; but by those who were superior to my early superiors ; probably the most superior peoples in the entire world .
3 I had lost faith , not in God but in the carnal love which so preoccupied almost everyone I had ever known .
4 The youngest , the youngest below me I 've ever gone for is three years younger .
5 It was like nothing I 'd ever experienced before — so much feeling , so much exquisite joy .
6 ‘ 'T WAS like nothing I 've ever felt before either .
7 ‘ It 's like nothing I 've ever laid eyes on before . ’
8 Paradouze was the only person to whom I 'd ever felt close .
9 Rose Macaulay , so often mentioned by Ivy , was the only other person whom I have ever tried to meet — unsuccessfully , for dates did not fit .
10 You 're … you 're like no-one I 've ever met or would hope to meet . ’
11 She said : ‘ He was n't somebody I 'd ever seen in here before , perhaps that 's why I took notice .
12 tell you a true story , right , tell you a story there 's nobody you 've ever seen
13 Danish cuisine was n't anything to which she had ever given much thought before but ‘ when in Denmark ’ …
14 ( On one occasion with magnificent inconsequence , she had remarked after staring at one of Clara 's dazzling reports , " Well , handsome is as handsome does " ; this was the only occasion on which she had ever said anything complimentary about Clara 's looks . )
15 Garfield , of all the institutions in which she had ever worked , was most responsive to mood , to atmosphere ; it shifted and changed from day to day , from week to week , for it had , like the larger society of her larger imagining , its own corporate , its own embodied spirit , all the more powerful for its caging , its high barbed wire , its high walls .
16 His liaisons with various ladies of the Kha-Khan 's court were not a matter which he had ever attempted to keep secret , and more than one irate would-be challenger — usually the father or brother of the lady in question — had gone away with a thoughtful expression on his face after witnessing a display of alien skill at arms .
17 By 1920 , in the establishment of the peacetime National Maritime Board , Wilson had achieved everything which he had ever expected or desired in the building of relationships with the employers .
18 The rage burned a week , after which she fell totally silent for three days ; a silence broken by a grief like nothing she 'd ever experienced before .
19 It was like nothing she 'd ever experienced before : a sensuous hedonistic time of utter physical pleasure .
20 He led her into the bedroom , which was glowing with an intense white light like nothing she had ever seen in England .
21 It was like nothing she had ever experienced before .
22 It was like nothing she had ever experienced before — she had always been aware she had the capacity for passion , but it was an element of her own make-up she had kept sternly suppressed , her mind refusing to give in to the demands of a young , healthy body .
23 He was the only living person whom she had ever heard using the vocative case .
24 She had not slept with Ivan , nor ever would , but was deriving a secret satisfaction from the knowledge that present at her party that night would be all the men with whom she had ever slept : or all save one , and he had been from another country , and she had not known his name .
25 Severed from the only person with whom she had ever shared a meaningful degree of closeness , she lapsed into a state of almost trance-like disconnection , all energy gone .
26 A head like none she 'd ever seen before bobbed out of the waves , whiskered and grinning and as big as her whole body .
27 I 'd get everything I 've ever wanted . ’
28 Then I fell in love with Tom , who is everything I 've ever wanted in a partner .
29 Everything I 've loved , everything I 've ever wanted in life you 've taken away from me , so you have Natasha .
30 ‘ I 'm forgetting everything I 've ever known about them .
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