Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] would say [be] " in BNC.

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1 But I think you 've got a case which I I would say is fifty fifty .
2 Which I 'd say is less useful in fact than the little ones .
3 The medium-term one I would say is to do with broadly the attitudes of society towards education , and those attitudes have in fact undergone a fairly substantial change over the last ten years or so .
4 What , what , what I would say is this , there always , there always talking about anti social behaviour around the town and as I say if people have n't got the necessary coin , it could lead to anti social behaviour , it 's as simple as that .
5 But what I would say is that we should perhaps er er you know identify areas where we think we might erm where discussion would be fruitful and then we could marshall the information if we , if we wished to .
6 What I would say is that the power of the local planning authority to resist development on these sites would be materially reduced were the initial negative presumption against development afforded by greenbelt status removed from them .
7 What I what I what I would say is something I found in in BES has happened while I 've been here much less now than than earlier on , is engineers robbing Peter to pay Paul .
8 What I would say is there are instances that have been happening around the country in the last year , where both doctors , G Ps , and nurses have actually said , you 're not doing that .
9 Now I am able to say that Barton Willmore has done this work , and it has submitted as part of our submission to the E I P , and in summary what I would say is that I believe that that work demonstrates that the new settlement has to be in the order of two thousand to two thousand five hundred dwellings , to begin to achieve the environmental objectives set for the new settlement , and also social objectives which would also be important to the residents of that new settlement .
10 I think that er , er , what I would say is that er , we would follow the markets erm , where they lead us .
11 we what I would say is
12 Patently the present situation is working and therefore that 's part of it and what I would say is that that this additional policy if it is n't necessary because there there is n't any development pressure , then what is its purpose .
13 We are elected by the public to do a job and we should n't be ashamed of the amount of money that we 're paid for it , and what I would say is , that no manifesto in May 's election said we were going to come here and vote for more money for members , nobody put on their leaflets , vote for me and I will raise members allowances by five percent in the coming year , I did n't and I wo n't support that , and you will argue , perhaps some of you that that 's not really what we 're doing , but it look 's like it , does n't it ?
14 What I would say is I just wonder what the point of it is ed on the principal of of why fix something if if it ai n't broke , would n't it be better to perhaps spend officer 's time elsewhere rather than fashion designs of three colour printing on new leaflets ?
15 I was gon na say as I recollect I did n't see much wrong with it that I would disagree with erm I think it 's nice to see , you know , sort of progress seems to be going on and erm er what I would say is sort of it might be a good idea to sort of line the numbers up a bit more but erm
16 What I would say is that Liam was inexperienced in management when he took over at Celtic Park .
17 If you 're going to criticise somebody what I would say is , talk about their behaviour , because that 's something that they can change , talk about it in those terms .
18 What I would say is this three things .
19 And a what I would say is that if you pack carefully , and I advise people as to how to pack crockery You do n't put plates th s big plates on the bottom and then build up , because that puts a tremendous weight on the middle of the big plates at the bottom .
20 What I would say is that we endeavour to counteract that on the reasons that I 've stated , by virtue of the fact that we invite them to read the policy .
21 Erm I 'll be happy to distribute copies but perhaps I could run through that draft quickly now erm and go through what I would say are the advantages .
22 This road takes you through what I would say was the most savage landscape you are likely to see in the Pyrenees without actually setting off into the mountains on foot , a valley which has rocks where other valleys have trees .
23 philosophical side of Marxism which is very interesting and there 's a lot of very deep thoughts but what we 've been given your definition , is what I 'd say is the political strategy that Marx said er was necessary to achieve the philosophical ends .
24 It 's not what you would say was logical but it is very complex .
25 I was probably what you 'd say was a hippy at the time , y'know …
26 What they would say is that we have to , perhaps we do have to leave things to the individual , but we should leave as little possible to individuals , as little as practically possible so that we should the people involved in making all the important decisions , particularly the carrying out of them that we have to leave to particular appointed individuals .
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