Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] happen to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It 's just — ’ here he shot a glance at Sarella ‘ — my heart happens to be engaged elsewhere . ’
2 Is that what it is– ’ Or if I was to see the doctor and my girlfriend happened to be seeing the doctor as well , this was just an excuse , according to them , for us to be together .
3 My room-mate happening to be a policeman , I was at a loss whether to look upon it as a special honour or a special precaution , mine host putting into my room a representative of the force .
4 ‘ It would cause endless difficulties if their decision happened to be misplaced , dozy or ill thought-out . ’
5 The church had been chosen simply because its priest happened to be a friend of Eliot 's solicitor , who was also " best man " .
6 The old file wo n't itself be finally lost until all its space happens to be used for storing new files .
7 For example , in the preface to Indian School Organization he explained : ‘ It is hoped that this book may be found useful … by teachers in general and headmasters in particular and may prove suggestive to Indian educationalists whose experience happens to be less varied than that of the author . ’
8 In the case of investment trusts , however , what savers buy is shares in a trust which is in effect a company whose business happens to be holding stocks and shares .
9 In the state of mind he 's in , he 'd rather put you in the workhouse than provide one penny towards bringing a child into the world whose father happens to be one of the Feltons .
10 Thus the propositional schema " x is a man " can be appropriately filled in by inserting a proper name , say " Jones " , in the place occupied by the variable , yielding a meaningful proposition whose truth-value happens to be true .
11 Incidentally , mooning is n't one of my habits but for another canoeist to refer to the ‘ dork2 who owns a red Escort van is a rather nebulous description of someone who could fall into that category simply because he owns a red van and whose hobby happens to be canoeing — it makes one feel guilty without trial .
12 A Fishguard smuggler whose ship happened to be at anchor there opened fire with his single cannon , and another gun was dragged to the edge of the cliff and joined in .
13 But back to Bodytalk , whose convention happened to be at the Metropole , next to Labour 's conference hotel .
14 His father happens to be a close neighbour of mine in the village of Comerford , that 's all .
15 His father happened to be passing , shortly after the attack , but when he went to help , he did n't recognise his own son .
16 For some time I was baffled by a sentence in his argument that the theoretical removal of the authority of the author by the critic , Stanley Fish , has no way of dealing with misprints : ‘ His book happens to be full of misprints .
17 Sometimes you will not mind this too much : the freedom to shoot in whatever light happens to be available can outweigh these shortcomings .
18 And then they 'd throw you to whatever man happened to be passing for the money you 'd earn for them . ’
19 Sending up eternal thanks to whatever deity happened to be in residence , she turned into the lane , which probably in sunlight , or at least daylight , was pretty , but which in the car 's headlights looked waterlogged , thankfully parked , stretched her cramped muscles , dragged on her hat , and got out .
20 Now ours , we 've helped you by already mixing it , so ours have got three percent of essential oil to a carrier oil , which in our case happens to be grapes erm grapeseed oil , which is a very light carrier oil .
21 IF YOUR name happens to be Ebeneezer Scrooge you may think otherwise , but a Christmas without crackers is one that passes with a whimper rather than a bang .
22 ‘ As your property happens to be slap-bang in the middle of our site , it seemed like common sense to discover what went on here .
23 But I think our balance happens to be a very good one .
24 And if your victim happens to be conveniently close to the edge of a tall cliff , by the time he 's bounced down a couple of hundred metres on to the rocks , he 'll be in such a mess that the injury from the blow stands a good chance of being overlooked .
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