Example sentences of "[art] only [adj] [noun] about " in BNC.

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1 And erm anyway it was a wonderful place , wonderful relationship with the men and erm about the only odd thing about it I 've come up against a snag which I did n't think I 've had a ghost writer , I 've got publishers , and as I ca n't get er permission for all the photos that I want .
2 After the heights scaled in that quarter-final , Ireland plunged to six feet under in this match proving , in the course of the game , that the only predictable thing about them is their unpredictability .
3 THE only predictable thing about Chelsea used to be their unpredictability , but you ca n't even bank on that right now .
4 The only comforting thing about this was that , although they were well placed to take over my brain , they had , so far at any rate , declined to take up the offer .
5 ‘ He was a doctor but that was about the only genuine thing about him .
6 The only real surprise about Danny Rampling 's fine debut single ‘ I Hate Hate ’ is that it 's taken so long for a DJ of his reputation to commit himself to vinyl .
7 " I " was something very real , the only real thing about my present state , and all the conscious activity connected with my body was centred on the " I " .
8 The only contrived thing about it was the initial impulse , which interpreted the New Testament injunction to deny self as to ‘ live without an image of the self ’ .
9 Sure thing It seems that the only certain thing about the race is that it will be run at Doncaster .
10 The only certain thing about the future is its uncertainty and therefore prudence dictates that flexibility must be retained and options kept open .
11 Behind the bottles stood Mrs Crumwallis — tall , bony , straggly of hair , the only memorable feature about her being her large , round , immensely thick-lensed glasses .
12 The fact that aside from the information relative to his appointments and dismissals the only memorable thing about Abdulkerim seems to have been his close association with Mahmud Pasa is not , perhaps , without significance .
13 Well , as far as I can see the only good bit about last night was the interview on R5 with Rocky ! !
14 At least our blokes work in the-open air , though that 's prob'ly the only good fing about the work .
15 Indeed , the only good thing about their confrontation against Sukova and Novotna is that it took just 50 minutes to complete , with the established Czech combination sweeping to a 6-2 , 6-2 victory and a place in the semi-finals against the United States .
16 The only good thing about the extreme cold of the water , I thought , was that whatever the damage , the blood loss was being minimised .
17 Casting a disdainful eye around the room , Nicky declared : ‘ The only good thing about America is that you killed JOHN LENNON . ’
18 . Erm she could make plenty of improvements , make it look nicer , more organised better rooms the people are okay , but that 's the only good thing about college is meeting people .
19 The only good thing about mistakes is that you 're supposed to learn from them — not go on making them ! ’
20 General Karl Steiner , carried in by two SS men , was already dead from a heart attack , the only good thing about the entire proceedings .
21 The only good thing about all this was that the procession was going to march through the Old City .
22 The Scheme is funded for eighteen months only and this means that the numbers will start to drop in October 1993 and that is the only good thing about this Scheme , because it 'll make it easier for the next Labour Government to abolish it .
23 The only good thing about it is that it lasts for six months , then immunity is acquired . ’
24 The only good thing , the only good thing about La the only good thing about Labour is that they would have brought back student grants so if I ever , if I ever do go to university then I 'll get lots of money .
25 The only good thing , the only good thing about La the only good thing about Labour is that they would have brought back student grants so if I ever , if I ever do go to university then I 'll get lots of money .
26 The only surprising thing about the Life was the scale of its failure .
27 The only surprising thing about Hooker 's hit-single spawning album is that , after all these years , he can render the title track in a fashion that 's unbelievably fresh , though some of the credit for this particular achievement must be down to guitarist Jimmie Vaughan , who delivers an array of licks in a manner that must have Stevie Ray beaming way up in plectrum heaven .
28 And perhaps the only surprising thing about that result is that , is that seven people have said no !
29 The only slight quibble about this book is the price , a stiff FFr950 .
30 As far as most women are concerned the only enviable thing about a penis is the ability it confers on the owner to pee out of a coach window as it powers along a motorway when the bladder feels like bursting and the driver refuses to stop .
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