Example sentences of "[art] only [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 MacDonald claims that the only located source of systematic collection of data on the progress of non-traditional students over a period of years was at Glasgow Polytechnic for the BA Social Science course .
2 Yemen was thrust into the heart of the Gulf crisis on account of its close links with Iraq and its current position as the only Arab member of the UN Security Council .
3 At the outbreak of the Gulf crisis Yemen 's position came under particular scrutiny as currently the only Arab member of the UN Security Council .
4 The only Arab member of the anti-Iraq coalition not in attendance was Morocco .
5 Saudi Arabia remained the only Arab state without diplomatic relations with China , but China had been a weapons supplier to Saudi Arabia since 1985 ; in addition the move was expected to open new links between Saudi Arabia and the Moslem minority in China .
6 In vain did North point out that he had worked , always , on the third floor of the Old Executive Office Building ( ’ the only third-floor basement in Washington ’ ) .
7 The only teacher-training school in the country has been converted into an army barracks , exacerbating the educational crisis .
8 , John ( 1814–1897 ) , mechanical engineer and inventor , was born at Todmorden , Lancashire , 11 September 1814 , the son of a cotton spinner who owned the only steam-driven mill in the area .
9 And erm anyway it was a wonderful place , wonderful relationship with the men and erm about the only odd thing about it I 've come up against a snag which I did n't think I 've had a ghost writer , I 've got publishers , and as I ca n't get er permission for all the photos that I want .
10 The record of his own work and ideas meant that the only dull part of this programme was a tired , conventional exchange about the balance between pure and applied research .
11 Finally , there was what we called the ‘ big room ’ — really the largest room of all , being the only front room with a view of the street .
12 Prince later wrote to Gould when he was in Australia , complaining that Alfred Newton had been ‘ far , far too complimentary ’ about Lear 's part in the publication , ‘ particularly when we know that most of the subscribers are of the opinion that his plates are almost the only exceptionable part of your work . ’
13 The only technical challenge of the day is at the home of a lawyer , whose Peugeot 405 has conked out at the bottom of a steep drive .
14 Excess seats constitute the only technical snag in the WGMS .
15 The only representative survey of users of temporary labour at present available is the Psi/Department of Employment/ACAS workplace industrial relations survey ( WIRS ) .
16 The Federation is the only representative body of sailing and motor boat schools in the United Kingdom .
17 Algebra was not tested in this project as it is not explicitly included in the foundation list , and so is the only content category of the framework missing from the topics considered in this chapter listed below .
18 In fact , the only serious problems at this ‘ stage involved children who did not want to leave the security of the one home they knew .
19 BAD : The only serious wobble of the campaign followed the appearance of Simon Hughes , the party 's environment spokesman , on BBC television 's Election Call programme when he appeared to contradict or amend party policy no fewer than four times in less than an hour .
20 The only serious chink in the armour of the buyer is the " overriding interest " of registered land , which is described in Chapter 5 .
21 Steve Jobs says his NeXT Computer Inc is taking a major risk in developing NeXTStep 3.0 for 80486-based personal computers , but reckons that it is the only serious competition for Microsoft Corp 's Windows .
22 It knew that the incident had been the only serious act of indiscipline during the strike and that Wilson had used it in his speech to taunt and smear the Ulster people .
23 After a careful examination of all these factors , the Layfield Committee concluded : ‘ a local income tax ( LIT ) on personal incomes , levied according to where people live , is the only serious candidate for a new source of local revenue that could give a substantial yield and at the same time maintain or enhance accountability ’ ( Layfield 1976 : 190 — 1 ) .
24 But Portsmouth will find it difficult to stop Graeme Souness filling the only serious gap in his footballing career .
25 Indeed , the only serious alternative to the radical , collectivist strategy that was canvassed was a reassembled ‘ Salisbury approach ’ , based on a defensive rather than counter-offensive strategy .
26 Ironically , it was the Liberal Party which offered the only serious alternative to the free trade solutions of the 1920s and the protectionist policies of the 1930s — though it was always too weak to make any significant contribution to the economic policies of the country .
27 The only serious alternative to natural selection as the cause of adaptation is Lamarck 's notion of the inheritance of acquired characters .
28 Such demands failed , however , to quell the discontent , which increasingly focused on Michael Heseltine as the only serious alternative to Mrs Thatcher , a view supported by polls that showed him to be the voters ' overwhelming choice to replace her .
29 It is a sadly neglected work , and again the only serious alternative to Järvi is Stravinsky 's Chicago recording which like the Jeu can only be obtained as part of a mammoth 22-CD Sony set of virtually all Stravinsky 's major works ( totally indispensable though that is ) .
30 The government 's annual Social Trends figures show sport the only serious rival to TV among the young , and gardening and DIY among the middle-aged ( especially men ) .
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