Example sentences of "[art] door and [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 He could hide behind the door and club them down one by one when they came in .
2 He forces open the door and lets them out into the night .
3 If anyone claims to be from the Gas Board , Electricity Board , council , or any such body , keep the chain on the door and tell them that you only admit such people by appointment .
4 The boys ' mother , Tracey Gardiner , 29 , and her five-month-old son , escaped unharmed after a neighbour and a passing mini-cab driver broke down the door and woke them up .
5 Sends them dozy and open the door and put them back in again .
6 Without waiting for the ring , she opened the door and let them in .
7 Zen slipped the photo and tape back into the envelope , opened the door and let them drop out .
8 The two of them clung together , soggily , hugging closer and closer until Rachel knocked on the door and asked them to come out .
9 Within a few weeks of the Ashleys moving in , she drove up , knocked on the door and welcomed them to the area .
10 She spotted them at the door and waved them over .
11 She could n't bear to open the door and see them trying to cover their embarrassment at her entrance .
12 And , the children were in there erm doing their P E and er he went stood at the door and watched them and he was quite happy .
13 An inexpensive alarm can be made by fitting courtesy light switches to the doors and connecting them via a relay to the horn .
14 We had not watched closely enough ; we had simply paid our money over the bar and hoped — without knowing it — that Madame would always be there to open the doors and close them behind us .
15 Look at the doors and close them .
16 ‘ Midge , I want you to get back into the car , close the doors and lock them from the inside . ’
17 After she was found dead and there were so-many questions and Mena told so much , she said to Constanza — oh , I can give you the very words , I shall never forget them — Mena said , ‘ One day many many years ago , when the old principessa was still alive , she opened a door and saw them , the prince and the Marchesa Giulia , in the long room at Castelfonte . ’
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