Example sentences of "[art] sort of [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ These are more the sorts of descriptions that people tend to use about the experience of working for me . ’
2 The future exhibitions programme of the ICA supplies something of a guide to the sorts of significances that a critically-minded culture of a post-modernist kind will be pursuing in the next year or two .
3 Other topics include evaluation of the whole spectrum of immunoassay technology and tackling the sorts of questions that non-biologists and the regulatory authorities would ask ( because most of these assays need to be fully validated ) .
4 Before embarking on briefing exercises with staff or negotiating discussions with unions , management needs to consider the sorts of questions that are likely to be raised and to have answers available .
5 Many underground investigators have become highly frustrated because they are unable to pursue the sorts of questions that an acknowledged researcher could pursue ( see Bulmer , 1982 for a relevant discussion ) .
6 It suggests not only that prevailing approaches to the subject involve the selection and presentation of knowledge which legitimates the status quo and the omission of that which might challenge it , but also that the very organisation of the curriculum into discrete units militates against the asking of the sorts of questions that might indicate that the world could be different .
7 Most of us , as people who live in this world , are interested in our environment , and even if not young we certainly grow to appreciate it and to learn a bit about flowers and the way animals live and work in our garden and watching David Attenborough on television and erm we have a genuine interest because as part of this world we know it and come to understand it , and probably feel , therefore , if even if you 're not a biology specialist , which you certainly do n't have to be by any means , when a child asks a question about , you know , ‘ where do the flies go in winter ? ’ and ‘ why 's the hamster gone to sleep for three months ? ’ we feel more capable of answering it because we 're closer to it ourselves and those are the sorts of questions that people told us .
8 Most of us , as people who live in this world , are interested in our environment , and even if not young we certainly grow to appreciate it and to learn a bit about flowers and the way animals live and work in our garden and watching David Attenborough on television and erm we have a genuine interest because as part of this world we know it and come to understand it , and probably feel , therefore , if even if you 're not a biology specialist , which you certainly do n't have to be by any means , when a child asks a question about , you know , ‘ where do the flies go in winter ? ’ and ‘ why 's the hamster gone to sleep for three months ? ’ we feel more capable of answering it because we 're closer to it ourselves and those are the sorts of questions that people told us .
9 The sorts of capacities that I have .
10 It is sufficient here to recognize that individuals at work are motivated by the sorts of rewards that are available .
11 It is preferable for government , by training civil servants properly , by using sound management techniques , by carefully specifying the tasks to be performed by its employees and by monitoring their performance , to prevent the sorts of errors and mistakes which judicial control deals with after the event .
12 If it does not react like this , it is not one of the sorts of society that survive .
13 That centre for one of the staff who work there , make quite profound impact on the quality of life for many people living on our estates and I can not see anything more short sighted than denying access to the sorts of services and the sorts of pleasures that people can get from use of a community centre like that by cutting back on staffing so that we ca n't actually use the capital resources that we 've b the capital that we 've invested in facilities like that .
14 The following section of this chapter attempts to simplify these issues by explaining the goals listed earlier , by showing the sorts of themes that might emerge to indicate the strength of a goal and by illustrating the sorts of jobs which satisfy certain goals .
15 These contrasted the Western models with the sorts of restrictions that could and were applied to the media in other political systems : the media were not free to publish , the expression of opinion was controlled , the Party/government could dictate the content of the media , and the essential freedoms associated with the Western models were obviously absent .
16 The sorts of activities that the Bible warns us against would include :
17 It could be argued that economic and organizational ‘ pressures ’ are qualitatively different from the sorts of constraints that governments or ‘ states ’ are able to impose .
18 In saying goodbye to both , and in applauding the sorts of uncertainties and reassessments that the ICA seems set to provide , one regrets only that those other structural mechanisms — the market and the museums particularly — seem unlikely to be following suit .
19 The sorts of premises that lend themselves to this kind of development tend to be your large country house type accommodation , miles from anywhere .
20 We then turn to the main techniques for studying the physiological side of the equation , lesions , stimulation , and recording , looking at the sorts of problems that affect our interpretation of experiments .
21 Except in their occasional introductions , science textbooks do not describe the sorts of problems that the professional may be asked to solve and the variety of techniques available for their solution .
22 This practice supports T. S. Kuhn 's ( 1963 ) argument that science textbooks ‘ do not describe the sorts of problems that the professional may be asked to solve and the variety of techniques available for their solution ’ but rather they ‘ exhibit concrete problem-solutions that the profession has come to accept as paradigms ’ which the student is expected to solve for himself ( or herself ) in the laboratory .
23 It is an extreme example Mr , trying to point out the sorts of problems that arise in relation to policies which say more than they mean .
24 So if if the cadres had taken the law and 's speech there should n't 've been the sorts of problems that , that we came up against .
25 Addresses are parenthetical and can occur in the sorts of locations that other parentheticals can occupy .
26 There is little exploration of the sorts of processes and events reported in research in Manchester ( Ward , 1979 ) and London ( Wall man , 1986 ) , for example , which documents the shifting forms of boundary maintenance , division and alliance that emerge in relation to local politics .
27 Just the sorts of skills that are going to be increasingly in demand in Washington .
28 They train the labour they need rather than import it ( but note the exceptions like the Korean expatriate workers ) and often give these workers the sorts of skills that can usefully be hired by indigenous rivals ( UNCTC , 1988a ) .
29 The drivecharts ( see reference 7 ) , which we have described fully elsewhere , are an example of this approach being specifically adapted to the sorts of decisions that are characteristic of a program used in class- or group-teaching .
30 So , too , were the practical demonstrations of getting comfortable , breathing exercises and familiarisation with the sorts of equipment that we might encounter during the labour itself .
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