Example sentences of "[art] view of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Views expressed in Woman 's Art Magazine are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor nor of the Women Artists Slide Library .
2 And the views of the ridge and the sea beyond are breathtaking .
3 This was apparent from the views of the head of the Far East section ( which covers Southeast Asia and Japan ) of the International Department of the Soviet Central Committee , Ivan Kovalenko .
4 Editorials do not necessarily express the views of the Council .
5 Editorials do not necessary express the views of the Council .
6 Editorials do not necessarily express the views of the council .
7 Editorials do not necessarily express the views of the Council .
8 The European Commission , which is responsible for formulating the proposal in line with the views of the council of ministers , was criticized for the repeated delays in the adoption of the third Framework programme and hopes to stick to the intricate timetable for approval of the new programme , which must be accepted at three levels .
9 At the next meeting , the proposals were considered one by one , along with the views of the sub-committee ; every proposal was criticized and a highly critical sub-committee report was adopted nem. con. , with Sir Harry Samuel finally abstaining after failing to convince his colleagues of the rightness of the proposals .
10 With newly appointed White House Chief of Staff James Baker firmly in charge of Bush 's re-election bid , the campaign shifted away from the religious right-wing agenda ( particularly the issues of " family values " and implacable opposition to abortion ) which had been so pronounced in past months , and which had been shown consistently to be out of alignment with the views of the mainstream of the electorate .
11 If you generally want the views of the public it is no good trying to false those views through a straight jacket of your own to make it what you think there views should be unless of course they go right over the top in which they I do n't think that 's happened so far . .
12 These 12 jurors may , or may not , have been representative of the views of the public .
13 Quite apart from the limitations on law reform in general which such an argument would appear to justify , if the views of the public are of any significance at all in this context , then it must be its view of what the law ought to be rather than what it is .
14 The views of the Audit Commission and of HMI provide further depth of guidance .
15 Do the views expressed in it represent his views and the views of the whole of his party , or the views of only one part of his Front-Bench team ?
16 Thus , the views of the inspectorate are under-represented , especially when one considers that , except for relatively informal verbal comments through the Senior English Inspector , the General Inspectors for each school make no input at all , while all five DCSLs make lengthy written recommendations which are reinforced by the chairmanship of the ACL:E&SS .
17 And , as a result , how far does the Crown Appointments Commission reflect the views of the Church in making its recommendations ?
18 ’ At night we like to sit out and look at the views of the valley with a glass of wine .
19 It also says Black 's views on the effectiveness of mongrel guard dogs ‘ do not represent the views of the committee ’ .
20 If it is appropriate perhaps the opportunity might be offered again next November , but the value of the meeting has to be guided by the views of the Committee .
21 Neither slavishly followed the views of the other .
22 This is now so widely accepted that it seems less like a theory , or even a theoretical framework , than a piece of common sense ; and in one form or another it encompasses the views of the majority of Anglo-American philosophers and neuroscientists about the basis of consciousness or , at the very least , of perception .
23 On the 2nd November 1917 the Balfour Declaration was issued with total disregard for the views of the majority of the population ( i.e. well over 80% ) .
24 It was not a habit of the Holy Spirit in biblical times to be identified with the views of the majority !
25 The people who were once a minority in the Labour party now represent the views of the majority .
26 In contrast to the views of the majority of local law societies , the Conference of Presidents and Secretaries concluded that existing conflict rules were ineffective , and they reluctantly supported the introduction of a prohibition .
27 ‘ Surrounded by the melancholy gloom of night , how different the views of the artist and lover to those of the ‘ lean unwashed artificer ’ who at the very moment greedily swallowing sedition is all agog to hurl destruction on his rulers , who in their turns are as anxiously providing means to prevent its execution . ’
28 But both the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords supported the Minister , Lord Keith saying that the judgments in the Divisional Court illustrated the danger of judges wrongly , though unconsciously , substituting their own views for the views of the decision-maker who alone was charged and authorized by Parliament to exercise a discretion .
29 If the child is older , say 14 or 15 years of age , then the views of the child should be taken into consideration .
30 Erm but it it 's not just the views of the settlement which I think should be under consideration here .
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